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[英]Cuda - 3D block & grid dimension confusion - Another one

在下面的簡單示例中,我將使用cudaMalloc3D在設備上分配內存,並將3D數據的每個體素加1,只要我使用對稱3D卷, cudaMalloc3D可以正常工作。


int main(void)
    typedef float PixelType;

    // Set up test data
    dim3  image_dimensions = dim3(32, 32, 32);
    size_t num_elements = image_dimensions.x * image_dimensions.y * image_dimensions.z;
    PixelType *image_data = new float[num_elements];
    for(int i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i)
        image_data[i] = float(i);

    // Allocate 3D memory on the device
    cudaExtent volumeSizeBytes = make_cudaExtent(sizeof(PixelType) * image_dimensions.x, image_dimensions.y, image_dimensions.z);
    cudaPitchedPtr devicePitchedPointer;
    cudaMalloc3D(&devicePitchedPointer, volumeSizeBytes);
    cudaMemset3D(devicePitchedPointer, 1.0f, volumeSizeBytes);

    // Copy image data from the host to the device
    cudaMemcpy3DParms copy_params_host_to_device = {0};
    copy_params_host_to_device.srcPtr = make_cudaPitchedPtr((void *)image_data, sizeof(PixelType) * image_dimensions.x, image_dimensions.y, image_dimensions.z);
    copy_params_host_to_device.dstPtr = devicePitchedPointer;
    copy_params_host_to_device.extent = volumeSizeBytes;
    copy_params_host_to_device.kind   = cudaMemcpyHostToDevice;

    // Kernel Launch Configuration
    dim3 threads_per_block = dim3(8, 8, 8);
    dim3 blocks_per_grid = dim3((image_dimensions.x + threads_per_block.x - 1) / threads_per_block.x, (image_dimensions.y + threads_per_block.y - 1) / threads_per_block.y, (image_dimensions.z + threads_per_block.z - 1) / threads_per_block.z);
    extract_patches_from_image_data<<<blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block>>>(devicePitchedPointer, image_dimensions);

    // Copy image data back from the device to the host
    cudaMemcpy3DParms copy_params_device_to_host = {0};
    copy_params_device_to_host.srcPtr = devicePitchedPointer;
    copy_params_device_to_host.dstPtr = make_cudaPitchedPtr((void *)image_data, sizeof(PixelType) * image_dimensions.x, image_dimensions.y, image_dimensions.z);
    copy_params_device_to_host.extent = volumeSizeBytes;
    copy_params_device_to_host.kind   = cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost;

    // Check image data
    for(int i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i)
        std::cout << "Element: " << i << " - " << image_data[i] << std::endl;

    // Free Memory

    delete [] image_data;


__global__ void extract_patches_from_image_data(cudaPitchedPtr devicePitchedPointer, dim3 image_dimensions)
    // Index Calculation
    int x = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
    int y = threadIdx.y + blockDim.y * blockIdx.y;
    int z = threadIdx.z + blockDim.z * blockIdx.z;

    // Get attributes from device pitched pointer
    char     *devicePointer  =   (char *)devicePitchedPointer.ptr;
    size_t    pitch          =   devicePitchedPointer.pitch;
    size_t    slicePitch     =   pitch * image_dimensions.y;

    // Loop over image data
    if(z < image_dimensions.z)
        char *current_slice_index = devicePointer + z * slicePitch;

        if(y < image_dimensions.y)
            // Get data array containing all elements from the current row
            PixelType *current_row = (PixelType *)(current_slice_index + y * pitch);

            if(x < image_dimensions.x)
                current_row[x] = current_row[x] + 1.0f;

                // Get values of all all neighbors

只要我保持image_dimensions對稱,例如( image_dimensions ),一切就可以正常工作。 當我嘗試使用(32,32,33)時,它可以正常工作直到體素33759,以下值保持不變。 現在我的問題是我應該如何修改我的代碼以使用非對稱數據。

  1. 我建議您在使用CUDA代碼時遇到任何問題時都應進行適當的cuda錯誤檢查 ,盡管此處無法解決問題。
  2. 您正在將float傳遞給cudaMemset3D 如果您打算將每個浮動量設置為此值,那將不起作用。 cudaMemset3D的工作方式類似於主機memset函數。 它采用unsigned char值並設置unsigned char數量。 您不能使用此方法正確地將float值初始化為1.0f。 但這也不是問題的症結所在。
  3. 您沒有正確使用make_cudaPitchedPtr函數。 請查閱文檔 最后兩個參數應分別為xy尺寸,而不是yz 您的代碼中有兩個實例。



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