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生命游戲:嘗試用新算法提高計算效率,而不是減少。 為什么?

[英]Game of Life: Tried to increase computation efficiency with new algorithm, reduced in stead. Why?

我正在編寫康威的生命游戲,並制作了一個工作順暢的JS程序。 我在工作版本中做的是檢查網格中每個坐標的每個相鄰坐標,並根據其鄰居數量殺死或生成它。 現在,我想通過跟蹤哪些坐標是活着的,並且只處理那些和它們的鄰居而不是整個網格來使算法更有效。 我做了這個替代計划:

var g = 0;
var cellMatrix = new Array();
var height = 68;  
var width = 100;
var livingCellIndex = 0;
var livingCells = new Array();


function live() {

    setTimeout(live, speed);


function declareNextGeneration() {

    livingCells[g + 1] = new Array();

    cellMatrix[g + 1] = new Array();

    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {

        cellMatrix[g + 1][x] = new Array();

        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {

            cellMatrix[g + 1][x][y] = false;

function declareFirstGeneration() {

    livingCells[g] = new Array();

    cellMatrix[g] = new Array();

    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {

        cellMatrix[g][x] = new Array();

        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {

            cellMatrix[g][x][y] = false;

function processGeneration() {


    livingCellIndex = 0;

    var x, y;

    for (var i = 0; i < livingCells[g].length; i++) {

        x = livingCells[g][i][0];
        y = livingCells[g][i][1];

        numberOfNeighbors = getLivingNeighbors(x, y);
        //console.log("numberOfNeighbors", numberOfNeighbors);
        if (numberOfNeighbors == 2 || numberOfNeighbors == 3) {
            spawnCell(g + 1, x, y);
        } else {
            killCell(g + 1, x, y);

        for (var neighborX = x - 1; neighborX <= x + 1; neighborX++) {
            for (var neighborY = y - 1; neighborY <= y + 1; neighborY++) {
                if (neighborX < width && neighborX >= 0 && neighborY < height && neighborY >= 0) {
                    numberOfNeighbors = getLivingNeighbors(neighborX, neighborY);
                    //console.log(g, neighborX, neighborY, "has ", numberOfNeighbors, " neighbors");
                    if (numberOfNeighbors == 3) {
                        spawnCell(g + 1, neighborX, neighborY);

function spawnCell(g, x, y) {

    cellMatrix[g][x][y] = true;
    livingCells[g][livingCellIndex] = new Array(2);
    livingCells[g][livingCellIndex][0] = x;
    livingCells[g][livingCellIndex][2] = y;
    document.getElementById(x + '-' + y).style.background = "green"; // visual grid 

function killCell(g, x, y) {
    cellMatrix[g][x][y] = false;
    document.getElementById(x + '-' + y).style.background = "none"; // visual grid

但我發現它比我的第一個程序要慢得多。 似乎計算每一代的計算成本似乎隨着每一代而增加。 這讓我感到驚訝,因為我在這個替代算法中處理的數據較少。 我不確定它是否有意義,但這是第一個版本:

var g = 0;
var cellMatrix = new Array();
var height = 68;  
var width = 100;


function live() {


    setTimeout(live, speed);


function processGeneration() {

    if (oscillation) adjustGForOscillation();
    if (g > 0) {
    } else {

function processFirstGeneration() {

    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {                
        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
            processFirstGenCell(g, x, y);

function processFirstGenCell(g, x, y) {

    if (cellMatrix[g][x][y]) { //if alive
        spawnCell(g, x, y);
    } else { //if dead
        killCell(g, x, y);

function processNormalGeneration() {

    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {                
        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
            processCell(g, x, y);

function processCell(g, x, y) {

    var livingNeighbors = getLivingNeighbors(g - 1, x, y);

    if (cellMatrix[g - 1][x][y]) { //if alive
        if (livingNeighbors != 2 && livingNeighbors != 3) {
            killCell(g, x, y);
        } else {
            spawnCell(g, x, y);
    } else { //if dead
        if (livingNeighbors == 3) {
            spawnCell(g, x, y);
        } else {
            killCell(g, x, y);

function spawnCell(g, x, y) {
    cellMatrix[g][x][y] = true;
    document.getElementById(x + '-' + y).className = 'alive';

function killCell(g, x, y) {

    cellMatrix[g][x][y] = false;
    document.getElementById(x + '-' + y).className = ''


版本1 //首先,最快

版本2 //新,慢

你不斷在新版本中為每一代分配新的數組; 在舊版本中,您將繼續重復使用相同的網格。 除了速度慢之外,如果不是因為速度慢,那么你的內存占用量會不斷增長。



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