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ASP數據模型中的ASP.net MVC4網格

[英]ASP.net MVC4 Grid in EF data Model

我正在嘗試在我的項目中使用GRID.MVC ,但是我得到了這個錯誤System.NotSupportedException: The Skip method is only supported for sorted input in LINQ to Entities. The OrderBy method must be called before the Skip method. System.NotSupportedException: The Skip method is only supported for sorted input in LINQ to Entities. The OrderBy method must be called before the Skip method. _grid.cshtml文件的第27行:

 Ligne 25 : @helper RenderGridBody()
Ligne 26 : {
Ligne 27 :     if (!Model.ItemsToDisplay.Any())
Ligne 28 :     {
Ligne 29 :     <tr class="grid-empty-text">


@Html.Grid(Model).Columns(columns =>
                        columns.Add(item => item.OFFRE_ID).Titled("Custom column title").SetWidth(110);
                        columns.Add(item => item.REGION.NOM).Sortable(true);
                        columns.Add(item => item.DESCRIPTION).Sortable(false);
                        columns.Add(item => item.OFFRE_DATE).Sortable(true);


只是你知道, .WithPaging會導致這種情況。 它使GridView只接受排序列表。 這意味着傳遞未排序的列表將引發異常。

// Passing this to the gridview will throw an exception because it is not sorted.
var offre = db.OFFRE.Include(o => o.REGION); 


var offre = db.OFFRE
    .Include(o => o.REGION)
    .OrderBy(c => c.OFFRE_ID); // This converts the list into a sorted list.

return View(offre);


public ActionResult Index()
            var offre = db.OFFRE.Include(o => o.REGION);
            return View(offre.OrderBy(c => c.OFFRE_ID));


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