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在python 2.7中-如何從csv讀取數據,重新格式化數據並寫入新的csv

[英]In python 2.7 - How to read data from csv, reformat data, and write to new csv

我是一個正在編程的菜鳥,我被困住了...我的目標是打開一個csv文件(從程序A導出),重新格式化數據,並將其寫入新的csv文件中(以供程序B導入) 。 我知道我的代碼不是很漂亮,盡管它可以工作到寫入新的csv文件。 它僅寫入舊csv中的最后一行數據。

import csv

print 'Enter file location or press enter for default location.'
aPath = raw_input('> ')  # user path to file
if aPath == '':
    aPath = '/default/path/to/file'  # default path
aFile = raw_input('Enter file name: ')  # user file name
if aFile == '':
    aFile = 'orginal.csv'  # default file name
myCSV = csv.DictReader(open(aPath + aFile, 'r'), delimiter=',')
print myCSV.fieldnames # verify fieldnames

for p in myCSV:
    w = csv.writer(open("output.csv", "w"))
        p = dict((k, v) for k, v in p.iteritems()
            if v.lower() != 'null')
    except AttributeError, e:
        print e
        print p
        raise Exception()
# reformats the columns of data for the output.csv
    pID = p.get('Last Name')[-4:]
    pName = p.get('Last Name')[:-4].strip() + ', ' + p.get('First Name')
    pDate = p.get('Start Time')[:-5]
    pBlank = p.get('')
    pCourse = p.get('Assigned Through')
    pScore = p.get('Score')[:-1]

# verifies the new columns
    print pID, pName, pDate, pBlank, pCourse, pBlank, pBlank, pScore

# NOT working...Only writes the last row of the orginal.csv to output.csv
    w.writerow([pID, pName, pDate, pBlank, pCourse, pBlank, pBlank, pScore])

您將重新打開文件,並for p in myCSV循環中的for p in myCSV每次傳遞時將其覆蓋。 進入for循環之前,您需要創建一次w


import csv

print 'Enter file location or press enter for default location.'
aPath = raw_input('> ')  # user path to file
if aPath == '':
    aPath = '/default/path/to/file'  # default path
aFile = raw_input('Enter file name: ')  # user file name
if aFile == '':
    aFile = 'orginal.csv'  # default file name
myCSV = csv.DictReader(open(aPath + aFile, 'r'), delimiter=',')
print myCSV.fieldnames # verify fieldnames

with open("output.csv", "wb") as ofile:
    w = csv.writer(ofile)
    for p in myCSV:
            p = dict((k, v) for k, v in p.iteritems()
                if v.lower() != 'null')
        except AttributeError, e:
            print e
            print p
            raise Exception()
    # reformats the columns of data for the output.csv
        pID = p.get('Last Name')[-4:]
        pName = p.get('Last Name')[:-4].strip() + ', ' + p.get('First Name')
        pDate = p.get('Start Time')[:-5]
        pBlank = p.get('')
        pCourse = p.get('Assigned Through')
        pScore = p.get('Score')[:-1]

    # verifies the new columns
        print pID, pName, pDate, pBlank, pCourse, pBlank, pBlank, pScore

    # NOT working...Only writes the last row of the orginal.csv to output.csv
        w.writerow([pID, pName, pDate, pBlank, pCourse, pBlank, pBlank, pScore])


  1. 我們使用了with運算符。 當使用打開和關閉文件進行操作時,遵循with是一種普遍接受的協議,除非另外不適用,因為它可以正確處理文件的關閉等操作。
  2. 使用wb而不是僅將w作為open的第二個參數。 這將允許您以寫二進制模式打開文件。 請參閱作為參考。



w = csv.writer(open("output.csv", "w"))


w = csv.writer(open("output.csv", "w"))
    for p in myCSV:
            w.writerow([pID, pName, pDate, pBlank, pCourse, pBlank, pBlank, pScore])



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