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Excel / VBA在執行打開/關閉工作簿的循環期間凍結

[英]Excel/VBA freezes during the loop that executes opening/closing of workbooks

我的vba程序必須打開/關閉約150個工作簿。 它曾經做得很好,但是突然間在打開和關閉工作簿的循環執行過程中凍結。 它適用於較小的設備。





    Function loopXls(dirStr As String) As collection
        Dim count As Integer
        Dim strFilename As String
        Dim strPath As String
        Dim wbkTemp As Workbook
        Dim sheet As layer7sheet
        Dim sheets As collection

       Function loopXls(dirStr As String) As collection
    Dim count As Integer
    Dim strFilename As String
    Dim strPath As String
    Dim wbkTemp As Workbook
    Dim sheet As layer7sheet
    Dim sheets As collection
    Dim debugCount As Integer

    strPath = "C:\Users\pmevi\Documents\L7\L7_Master_Book\Input\" & dirStr & "\"
    strFilename = dir(strPath & "*.xls")
    Set sheets = New collection
    Do While Len(strFilename) > 0
        debugCount = debugCount + 1
        Set wbkTemp = Workbooks.Open(strPath & strFilename)

        ' do your code with the workbook
        'Set sheets = New collection
        Set sheet = New layer7sheet

        Set sheet = getCPUsheet(wbkTemp)
'        Debug.Print ("cpu avg is " & sheet.getAvg)
'        Debug.Print ("cpu max is " & sheet.getMax)
        sheets.Add sheet

             Set sheet = New layer7sheet
        Set sheet = getDiskSheet(wbkTemp)
'        Debug.Print ("disk avg is " & sheet.getAvg)
'        Debug.Print ("disk max is " & sheet.getMax)
        sheets.Add sheet

        Set sheet = New layer7sheet
        Set sheet = getMemorySheet(wbkTemp)
'        Debug.Print ("memory avg is " & sheet.getAvg)
'        Debug.Print ("memory max is " & sheet.getMax)
        sheets.Add sheet
        Set sheet = New layer7sheet
        Set sheet = getNetworkSheet(wbkTemp)
'        Debug.Print ("network avg is " & sheet.getAvg)
'        Debug.Print ("network max is " & sheet.getMax)
        sheets.Add sheet
        Dim debugName As String
        debugName = sheet.getWorkbookName
        Log debugCount & " " & debugName, "C:\Users\pmevi\Documents\L7\L7_Master_Book\log.txt"
        wbkTemp.Close True

        strFilename = dir
    'Debug.Print ("sheets count: " & sheets.count)
    Set loopXls = sheets

End Function

Function getCPUsheet(wrkbook As Workbook) As layer7sheet
    Dim sheet As layer7sheet
    Dim str As String
    str = reduceString(wrkbook.name)
    Set sheet = New layer7sheet
    sheet.setWorkbookName = (str)
    sheet.setSheetType = CPU
    sheet.setavg = calculateAverage(wrkbook.name, "CPU")
    sheet.setMax = calculateMax(wrkbook.name, "CPU")
    Set getCPUsheet = sheet
End Function

Function getMemorySheet(wrkbook As Workbook) As layer7sheet
    Dim sheet As layer7sheet
    Set sheet = New layer7sheet
     Dim str As String
    str = reduceString(wrkbook.name)
    sheet.setWorkbookName = str
    sheet.setSheetType = memory
    sheet.setavg = calculateAverage(wrkbook.name, "memory")
    sheet.setMax = calculateMax(wrkbook.name, "memory")
    Set getMemorySheet = sheet
End Function

Function getDiskSheet(wrkbook As Workbook) As layer7sheet
    Dim sheet As layer7sheet
    Set sheet = New layer7sheet
     Dim str As String
    str = reduceString(wrkbook.name)
    sheet.setWorkbookName = str
    sheet.setSheetType = disk
    sheet.setavg = calculateAverage(wrkbook.name, "disk")
    sheet.setMax = calculateMax(wrkbook.name, "disk")
    Set getDiskSheet = sheet
End Function

Function getNetworkSheet(wrkbook As Workbook) As layer7sheet
    Dim sheet As layer7sheet
    Set sheet = New layer7sheet
     Dim str As String
    str = reduceString(wrkbook.name)
    sheet.setWorkbookName = str
    sheet.setSheetType = network
    sheet.setavg = calculateAverage(wrkbook.name, "network")
    sheet.setMax = calculateMax(wrkbook.name, "network")
    Set getNetworkSheet = sheet
End Function

我認為這只是超級慢,添加一個application.screenupdating = false並與enableevents = false相同





我知道您使用一個名為sheet的變量作為temp,為什么不在函數結束前設置sheet = nothing?


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