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[英]Why is it that two different numbers return the same string in a tuple?

我是Python編碼的新手,我一直在做一些簡短的游戲,以便更流暢地編寫代碼。 我現在有一個“模擬”,本質上是英雄與地精之間基於文本的戰斗。 我使用一個元組存儲移動列表,然后在一系列if語句中調用該元組中的元素。 我的問題是,當用戶輸入數字2時,將使用“葯水”移動,但是當用戶輸入3時,還將使用“葯水”移動。 數字2應該觸發“阻止”移動,但不會觸發。 我認為這可能與我對元組的有限了解有關,但是有人可以為我澄清一下嗎? 非常感激。 代碼如下...

#begins battle loop
while goblin > 0:

    hmoves = ('sword',
             'shield bash',

    choice = int(input("\nEnter a number 0 - 3 to choose an attack: "))

    if hmoves[choice] is 'sword':
        print(name, "attacked with his sword!")
        goblin -= 3
        print("\ngoblin used bite!")
        hero -= 2
        print("Goblin HP:", goblin, "Hero HP:", hero)
    elif hmoves[choice] is 'shield bash':
        print(name, "used shield bash!")
        goblin -= 2
        print("\ngoblin used bite!")
        hero -= 2
        print("\nGoblin HP:", goblin, "Hero HP:", hero)
    elif hmoves[choice] is 'block':
        print(name, "used block!")
        print("\ngoblin used bite!")
        print("but it was blocked.")
        hero = hero
        goblin = goblin
        print("\nGoblin HP:", goblin, "Hero HP:", hero)
    elif hmoves[choice] is 'potion':
        print(name, "used a health potion.")
        hero += 4
        print("\ngoblin used bite!")
        hero -= 2
        print("\nGoblin HP:", goblin, "Hero HP:", hero)

    #print("Goblin HP:", goblin, "Hero HP:", hero)

if goblin <= 0:
    print("Congratulations you've completed the simulation.")
    print("Sorry, you did not pass the simulation.")


goblin = 20
hero = 20
name = "lol"

#begins battle loop
while goblin > 0:

    hmoves = ('sword',
             'shield bash',

    choice = int(input("\nEnter a number 0 - 3 to choose an attack: "))

    if hmoves[choice] == 'sword':
        print(name, "attacked with his sword!")
        goblin -= 3
        print("\ngoblin used bite!")
        hero -= 2
        print("Goblin HP:", goblin, "Hero HP:", hero)
    elif hmoves[choice] == 'shield bash':
        print(name, "used shield bash!")
        goblin -= 2
        print("\ngoblin used bite!")
        hero -= 2
        print("\nGoblin HP:", goblin, "Hero HP:", hero)
    elif hmoves[choice] == 'block':
        print(name, "used block!")
        print("\ngoblin used bite!")
        print("but it was blocked.")
        hero = hero
        goblin = goblin
        print("\nGoblin HP:", goblin, "Hero HP:", hero)
    elif hmoves[choice] == 'potion':
        print(name, "used a health potion.")
        hero += 4
        print("\ngoblin used bite!")
        hero -= 2
        print("\nGoblin HP:", goblin, "Hero HP:", hero)

請參閱is和==之間的區別。 這兩個字符串在內存中不一定是相同的對象,但是就字符而言它們是相同的。 盡管有時由於有效的字符串interning ,它仍然可以工作。


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