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[英]Error (This table contains cells that are outside the range of cells defined in this spreadsheet) when Reading Excel Data using OleDb in C#

我是學習C#的初學者。 我正在嘗試從excel文件中讀取數據,但是我不知道為什么總是收到錯誤消息:


我以前嘗試過相同的方法,但沒有收到任何錯誤,但這是針對預先存在的excel文件的。 但是在這種情況下,我先創建excel文件,然后再從中讀取。 問題是當我從列行“ A12”開始讀取它時。

我要從A12開始讀取列行的主要原因是要確定是否有空單元格,以后可以用來輸入數據。 每次需要將新數據添加到excel文件時,都將重復此過程。希望您能理解我要做什么。


// Initializing C# - Excel Export Method:                     

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application m_excelLoanReceiptWrite = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();

// Writing Data to Excel
m_excelLoanReceiptWrite.Cells[1, 1] = "Loan Receipt";
m_excelLoanReceiptWrite.Cells[3, 1] = "Name";
m_excelLoanReceiptWrite.Cells[5, 1] = "ESM ID No.";
m_excelLoanReceiptWrite.Cells[7, 1] = "Mobile No.";
m_excelLoanReceiptWrite.Cells[3, 4] = "Loan Date & Time:";
m_excelLoanReceiptWrite.Cells[5, 4] = "Return Date & Time:";
m_excelLoanReceiptWrite.Cells[7, 4] = "Venue:";
m_excelLoanReceiptWrite.Cells[11, 1] = "Recipient's Loan Item List";
m_excelLoanReceiptWrite.Cells[12, 1] = "No.";
m_excelLoanReceiptWrite.Cells[12, 2] = "Item Name";
m_excelLoanReceiptWrite.Cells[12, 3] = "Item Barcode";

//Opening and Saving into Excel File:
m_excelLoanReceiptWrite.ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs(m_excelLoanReceiptFileFullPath);  //Specifying Excel File Name and Location via textBoxExcelLoanItemTrackerLocation.Text
m_excelLoanReceiptWrite.ActiveWorkbook.Saved = true;     //check tomake sure excel file has been saved

//Close Excel File after Write and Save process:

/*************************** xlswrite sequences to Excel Receipt file for each Loan <ESMID>.xls <End>**********************/

/*************************** Data Extraction from post-written Loan Receipt Excel File <Begin>*****************************/

//Creating a connection directory to access the Excel "LoanItemTracker" file
string m_pathSourceExcelLoanReceipt = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + m_excelLoanReceiptFileFullPath + @";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0; HDR=Yes;IMEX=1;ImportMixedTypes=Text;TypeGuessRows=0""";
OleDbConnection m_pathConnectionExcelLoanReceipt = new OleDbConnection(m_pathSourceExcelLoanItemTracker);

/**********************Excel File "LoanReceipt" Numbering Column data Extraction <Begin> *************************/

string m_commandLoanReceiptNumColumn = "SELECT * FROM [A12:A]";   // SELECT * FROM [A12:A] means selecting the entire 'A' column starting from coordinate A12 

DataSet m_loanReceiptNumColumn = new DataSet();

//  Extracting all the Number Column information from the Excel file "LoanReceipt" using the connection directory and the preset excel command for row selection
OleDbDataAdapter m_loanReceiptNumColumnAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(m_commandLoanReceiptNumColumn, m_pathConnectionExcelLoanReceipt);

DataTable m_loanReceiptNumColumnMatrix;     //    Declare a Table Matrix to save the excel data contained in the variable m_loanReceiptNumColumnMatrix

int m_loanReceiptNumColumnRowCount;         //    Integer variable to count the rows of the matrix variable m_loanReceiptNumColumnMatrix

m_loanReceiptNumColumnMatrix = m_loanReceiptNumColumn.Tables[0];        //  Saving data in m_loanReceiptNumColumn into the Data Table variable m_loanReceiptNumColumnMatrix

m_loanReceiptNumColumnRowCount = m_loanReceiptNumColumnMatrix.Rows.Count;       //  identifying the number of rows in the matrix variable m_loanReceiptNumColumnMatrix

/**********************Excel File "LoanReceipt" Numbering Column data Extraction <End> *************************/





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