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[英]How to specify uberization of a Hive query in Hadoop2?

Hadoop 2中有一個名為uberization的新功能。 例如, 這個引用說:

如果作業足夠小,Uberization可以在ApplicationMaster的JVM中運行MapReduce作業的所有任務。 這樣,您就可以避免從ResourceManager請求容器並要求NodeManagers啟動(假設很小)任務的開銷。

我無法分辨的是,這是否真的在幕后神奇地發生,還是需要為此發生一些事情? 例如,在進行Hive查詢時是否有設置(或提示)來實現此目的? 你能指定“足夠小”的門檻嗎?

此外,我很難找到關於這個概念的東西 - 它是否有另一個名字?

我在Arun Murthy的YARN書中找到了關於“超級工作”的細節:

當多個映射器和縮減器組合使用單個容器時,會發生Uber作業。 在表9.3中的mapred-site.xml選項中找到了有關Uber Jobs配置的四個核心設置。


| mapreduce.job.ubertask.enable     | Whether to enable the small-jobs "ubertask" optimization,  |
|                                   | which runs "sufficiently small" jobs sequentially within a |
|                                   | single JVM. "Small" is defined by the maxmaps, maxreduces, |
|                                   | and maxbytes settings. Users may override this value.      |
|                                   | Default = false.                                           |
| mapreduce.job.ubertask.maxmaps    | Threshold for the number of maps beyond which the job is   |
|                                   | considered too big for the ubertasking optimization.       |
|                                   | Users may override this value, but only downward.          |
|                                   | Default = 9.                                               |
| mapreduce.job.ubertask.maxreduces | Threshold for the number of reduces beyond which           |
|                                   | the job is considered too big for the ubertasking          |
|                                   | optimization. Currently the code cannot support more       |
|                                   | than one reduce and will ignore larger values. (Zero is    |
|                                   | a valid maximum, however.) Users may override this         |
|                                   | value, but only downward.                                  |
|                                   | Default = 1.                                               |
| mapreduce.job.ubertask.maxbytes   | Threshold for the number of input bytes beyond             |
|                                   | which the job is considered too big for the uber-          |
|                                   | tasking optimization. If no value is specified,            |
|                                   | `dfs.block.size` is used as a default. Be sure to          |
|                                   | specify a default value in `mapred-site.xml` if the        |
|                                   | underlying file system is not HDFS. Users may override     |
|                                   | this value, but only downward.                             |
|                                   | Default = HDFS block size.                                 |


當多個映射器和縮減器組合在一起以在Application Master中執行時,就會發生Uber作業。 假設,要執行的作業具有MAX Mappers <= 9; MAX Reducers <= 1 ,然后資源管理器(RM)創建一個Application Master,並使用自己的JVM在Application Master中很好地執行作業。

SET mapreduce.job.ubertask.enable = TRUE;

因此,使用Uberised作業的優點是,Application Master執行的往返開銷,通過向Resource Manager(RM)請求容器以及RM將容器分配給Application master來消除。


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