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Openstack.Net SDK無法訪問具有區域的服務

[英]Openstack.Net SDK cannot access service with region

使用我們自己的硬件,我們為所有組件安裝了vanilla openstack,但是由於地區問題,我在訪問身份以外的服務時遇到了問題。 所使用的代碼如下所示,並使用我們創建的admin帳戶和admin tennant進行調用...

    public static void TestAccess(string userName, string password, string projectName, string projectId)
            Uri baseUrl = new Uri(URL_IDENTITY);

            CloudIdentityWithProject projectCloudId = new CloudIdentityWithProject();
            projectCloudId.Username = userName;
            projectCloudId.Password = password;
            projectCloudId.ProjectName = projectName;
            projectCloudId.ProjectId = new ProjectId(projectId);

            OpenStackIdentityProvider idProvider = new OpenStackIdentityProvider(baseUrl, projectCloudId);
            UserAccess userAccess = idProvider.Authenticate(projectCloudId);
            IEnumerable<ExtendedEndpoint> eps = idProvider.ListEndpoints(userAccess.Token.Id);

            string reg = idProvider.DefaultRegion; // This is null

            ServiceCatalog[] scs = userAccess.ServiceCatalog;

            // Get the list of regions
            regionList = new List<string>();
            foreach (ServiceCatalog sc in scs)
                foreach (Endpoint ep in sc.Endpoints)
                    regionList.Add(ep.Region); // This is 'regionOne' in every case

            // Try stuff...
            foreach(string region in regionList.Distinct())
                // Get a list of containers
                CloudFilesProvider cfp = new CloudFilesProvider(projectCloudId, idProvider);
                // THIS LINE FAILS
                IEnumerable<Container> listOfContainers = cfp.ListContainers(region: region);
                foreach (Container ctnr in listOfContainers)
                    Console.WriteLine("Container: {0}", ctnr.Name);

                CloudNetworksProvider cnp = new CloudNetworksProvider(identity: null, identityProvider: idProvider);
                IEnumerable<CloudNetwork> networks = cnp.ListNetworks(identity: null, region: region);
                foreach (CloudNetwork network in networks)
                    Console.WriteLine("Network[{0}] name: {1}", networkCount, network.Label);
                    Console.WriteLine("Network[{0}] Id: {1}", networkCount, network.Id);

                Console.WriteLine("{0} networks listed.", networkCount);
        catch(Exception ex)

該代碼在調用ListContainers(region:region)時失敗,並顯示以下錯誤...“用戶無權訪問所請求的服務或區域”,好像我沒有指定區域一樣,錯誤僅是“ No region”已提供,該服務不提供與區域無關的終結點,並且沒有為用戶帳戶設置默認區域



CloudNetwork detail = cnp.ShowNetwork(networkGuid, "regionOne");



我設法相當簡單地擴展了Openstack.Net SDK的功能。 下面的代碼將其擴展為包括用於承租人/項目操縱的各種功能...


using Newtonsoft.Json;

namespace net.openstack.Core.Domain

    public class NewTenant
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the ID for the new user.
        /// <note type="warning">The value of this property is not defined. Do not use.</note>
        /// </summary>
        [JsonProperty("id", DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Include)]
        public string Id { get; private set; }

        public string Name { get; private set; }

        public string Description { get; private set; }

        public bool Enabled { get; private set; }

        public NewTenant(string name, string description, bool enabled = true)
            Name = name;
            Description = description;
            Enabled = enabled;


using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using net.openstack.Core.Domain;

namespace net.openstack.Core.Request

    internal class AddTenantRequest
        public NewTenant Tenant { get; private set; }

        public AddTenantRequest(NewTenant tenant)
            if (tenant == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tenant");

            Tenant = tenant;


using net.openstack.Core.Domain;
using Newtonsoft.Json;

namespace net.openstack.Core.Response
    internal class NewTenantResponse
        public NewTenant NewTenant { get; private set; }

    internal class TenantResponse
        public Tenant Tenant { get; private set; }

現在,我們可以創建一個繼承自OpenStackIdentityProvider的類,並具有我們想要的用於Tenant / Project操作的附加功能...

using System;
using System.Net;
using JSIStudios.SimpleRESTServices.Client;
using net.openstack.Core.Domain;
using net.openstack.Core.Request;
using net.openstack.Core.Response;

namespace net.openstack.Core.Providers
    public class ExtendedOpenStackIdentityProvider : OpenStackIdentityProvider
        public ExtendedOpenStackIdentityProvider(Uri urlBase)
            : base(urlBase)

        public ExtendedOpenStackIdentityProvider(Uri urlBase, CloudIdentity identity)
            : base(urlBase, identity)

        public ExtendedOpenStackIdentityProvider(Uri urlBase, JSIStudios.SimpleRESTServices.Client.IRestService restService, net.openstack.Core.Caching.ICache<UserAccess> tokenCache)
            : base(urlBase, restService, tokenCache)

        public ExtendedOpenStackIdentityProvider(Uri urlBase, CloudIdentity identity, JSIStudios.SimpleRESTServices.Client.IRestService restService, net.openstack.Core.Caching.ICache<UserAccess> tokenCache)
            : base(urlBase, identity, restService, tokenCache)

        public NewTenant AddTenant(NewTenant tenant, CloudIdentity identity)
            if (tenant == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tenant");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tenant.Name))
                throw new ArgumentException("tenant.Name cannot be null or empty");
            if (tenant.Id != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("tenant.Id must be null");


            var response = ExecuteRESTRequest<NewTenantResponse>(identity, new Uri(UrlBase, "/v2.0/tenants"), HttpMethod.POST, new AddTenantRequest(tenant));

            if (response == null || response.Data == null)
                return null;

            return response.Data.NewTenant;

        public Tenant GetTenant(string tenantId, CloudIdentity identity)
            if (tenantId == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tenantId");


            var urlPath = string.Format("v2.0/tenants/{0}", tenantId);

            var response = ExecuteRESTRequest<TenantResponse>(identity, new Uri(UrlBase, urlPath), HttpMethod.GET);

            if (response == null || response.Data == null)
                return null;

            return response.Data.Tenant;

        public bool DeleteTenant(string tenantId, CloudIdentity identity)
            if (tenantId == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tenantId");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tenantId))
                throw new ArgumentException("tenantId cannot be empty");

            var urlPath = string.Format("v2.0/tenants/{0}", tenantId);
            var response = ExecuteRESTRequest(identity, new Uri(UrlBase, urlPath), HttpMethod.DELETE);

            if (response != null && response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NoContent)
                return true;

            return false;

        public bool AddTenantUserRole(string tenantId, string userId, string roleId, CloudIdentity identity)
            if (tenantId == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tenantId");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tenantId))
                throw new ArgumentException("tenantId cannot be empty");
            if (userId == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("userId");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))
                throw new ArgumentException("userId cannot be empty");
            if (roleId == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("roleId");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(roleId))
                throw new ArgumentException("roleId cannot be empty");


            var urlPath = string.Format("v2.0/tenants/{0}/users/{1}/roles/OS-KSADM/{2}", tenantId, userId, roleId);
            var response = ExecuteRESTRequest(identity, new Uri(UrlBase, urlPath), HttpMethod.PUT);

            if (response != null && response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NoContent)
                return true;

            return false;



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