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cabal zlib安裝失敗

[英]cabal zlib installation fails


cabal install --root-cmd=sudo --global zlib


In-place registering zlib-
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
zlib- failed during the final install step. The exception was:
user error (Unable to find cabal executable at: /home/manu2/.cabal/bin/cabal)

顯然,manu2不是我的電腦名。 救命?

計算機使用Chakra GNU / Linux 64位intel i7-230 CPU


   reexec cmd = do
      -- look for our own executable file and re-exec ourselves using a helper
      -- program like sudo to elevate privileges:
      self <- getExecutablePath
      weExist <- doesFileExist self
      if weExist
        then inDir workingDir $
               rawSystemExit verbosity cmd
                 [self, "install", "--only"
                 ,"--verbose=" ++ showForCabal verbosity]
        else die $ "Unable to find cabal executable at: " ++ self

因此,可執行路徑以某種方式解析為/home/manu2/.cabal/bin/cabal但隨后在該路徑上調用doesFileExist失敗。 為什么會出現這種情況顯然是系統依賴的,但只需嘗試相關代碼的片段就可以進一步調查......


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