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如何修復Code :: Blocks向導以查找GTK + 3.0,而不是2.0?

[英]How to fix the Code::Blocks wizard to look for GTK+ 3.0 and not 2.0?

自從我開始使用C語言進行編程以來,我一直在使用Code :: Blocks,在Windows下嘗試存在的每個C編譯器之后,我發現Code :: Blocks最容易使用,因為我不必花整整一年的時間學習如何在開始使用XD編寫“ Hello World”應用程序之前,請先使用該程序。

無論如何,我安裝了GTK + 3.0並設置了環境變量,並按照設置教程的要求運行了cmd提示命令...。我什至從cmd提示中運行了gtk-demo文件。 Code :: Blocks 13.10 gtk +向導一直告訴我GTK +似乎已安裝,但在進行一些挖掘后找不到gtk.h,我意識到它正在尋找gtk-2.0文件夾而不是gtk-3.0文件夾。 ..


好的,我知道了.....我去了命令控制台並運行了該命令以獲取所有版本信息:pkg-config --cflags gtk + -3.0

通過這樣做,我得到了以下信息:-mms-bitfields -IC:/GTK3/include/gtk-3.0 -IC:/ GTK3 / include / cairo -IC:/GTK3/include/pango-1.0 -IC:/ GTK3 / include / atk-1.0 -IC:/ GTK3 / include / cairo -IC:/ GTK3 / include / pixman-1 -IC:/ GTK3 / include -IC:/ GTK3 / include / freetype2 -IC:/ GTK3 / include -IC :/ GTK3 / include / libpng15 -IC:/GTK3/include/gdk-pixbuf-2.0 -IC:/ GTK3 / include / libpng15 -IC:/GTK3/include/glib-2.0 -IC:/ GTK3 / lib / glib- 2.0 /包括

我進入Code :: Blocks,然后轉到File-> New-> Project:然后我右鍵單擊GTK +項目圖標並選擇“編輯此腳本”,我遍歷了文件並更改了文件以匹配上面的版本信息

    // GTK project wizard

    // globals
    GtkPathDefault    <- _T("$(#gtk)");
    GtkPathDefaultInc <- _T("$(#gtk.include)");
    GtkPathDefaultLib <- _T("$(#gtk.lib)");
    GtkPath <- _T("");
    // GtkVersion <- 1; // 0 - GTK+, 1 - GTK+-2.0

    function BeginWizard()
        local intro_msg = _T("Welcome to the new GTK project wizard!\n" +
                             "This wizard will guide you to create a new GTK project\n" +
                             "using the GTK cross-platform GUI toolkit\n\n" +
                             "When you're ready to proceed, please click \"Next\"...");

        local gtkpath_msg = _T("Please select the location of GTK on your computer.\n" +
                               "This is the top-level folder where GTK was installed.\n" +
                               "To help you, this folder must contain the subfolders\n" +
                               "\"include\" and \"lib\".");

        Wizard.AddInfoPage(_T("GtkIntro"), intro_msg);
            Wizard.AddGenericSelectPathPage(_T("GtkPath"), gtkpath_msg, _T("GTK's location:"),         GtkPathDefault);
            Wizard.AddGenericSingleChoiceListPage(_T("GtkVersionPage"), _T("Please select the         GTK+ version you want to use."), _T("GTK+ 1.x;GTK+ 2.x"), GtkVersion); // select GTK+         version
        Wizard.AddCompilerPage(_T(""), _T("gcc*"), true, true);

    // Gtk's path page

    function OnLeave_GtkPath(fwd)
        if (fwd)
            local dir         = Wizard.GetTextControlValue(_T("txtFolder")); // txtFolder is         the text control in GenericSelectPathPage
            local dir_nomacro = VerifyDirectory(dir);

            if (dir_nomacro.IsEmpty())
                return false;

            // verify include dependencies
            local dir_nomacro_inc = GetCompilerIncludeDir(dir, GtkPathDefault,         GtkPathDefaultInc);
            if (dir_nomacro_inc.IsEmpty())
                return false;
            if (!VerifyFile(dir_nomacro_inc + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + _T("gtk-3.0") + wxFILE_SEP_PATH         +_T("gtk"), _T("gtk.h"), _T("GTK's include")))
                return false;

            // verify library dependencies
            local dir_nomacro_lib = GetCompilerLibDir(dir, GtkPathDefault, GtkPathDefaultLib);
            if (dir_nomacro_lib.IsEmpty())
                return false;
            if (!VerifyLibFile(dir_nomacro_lib, _T("gtk-win32-3.0"), _T("GTK's")))
                return false;

            GtkPath = dir; // Remember the original selection.

            local is_macro = _T("");

            // try to resolve the include directory as macro
            is_macro = GetCompilerIncludeMacro(dir, GtkPathDefault, GtkPathDefaultInc);
            if (is_macro.IsEmpty())
                // not possible -> use the real inc path we had computed instead
                GtkPathDefaultInc = dir_nomacro_inc;

            // try to resolve the library directory as macro
            is_macro = GetCompilerLibMacro(dir, GtkPathDefault, GtkPathDefaultLib);
            if (is_macro.IsEmpty())
                // not possible -> use the real lib path we had computed instead
                GtkPathDefaultLib = dir_nomacro_lib;
        return true;

    // Gtk's version page (For *nix users)

    function OnLeave_GtkVersionPage(fwd)
        if (fwd)
            GtkVersion = Wizard.GetListboxSelection(_T("GenericChoiceList"));
        return true;

    // return the files this project contains
    function GetFilesDir()
        return _T("gtk/files");

    // setup the already created project
    function SetupProject(project)
            project.AddIncludeDir(GtkPathDefaultInc + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + _T("gtk-3.0"));
            project.AddIncludeDir(GtkPathDefaultInc + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + _T("cairo"));
            project.AddIncludeDir(GtkPathDefaultInc + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + _T("gdk"));
            project.AddIncludeDir(GtkPathDefaultInc + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + _T("glib-2.0"));
            // Notice GtkPathDefault*Lib* at some positions. This is correct as of 2.8.20
            project.AddIncludeDir(GtkPathDefaultLib + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + _T("glib-2.0") +         wxFILE_SEP_PATH + _T("include"));
            project.AddIncludeDir(GtkPathDefaultInc + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + _T("pango-1.0"));
            project.AddIncludeDir(GtkPathDefaultLib + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + _T("gtk-3.0")  +         wxFILE_SEP_PATH + _T("include"));
            project.AddIncludeDir(GtkPathDefaultInc + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + _T("atk-1.0"));
            if ( IO.DirectoryExists(GtkPathDefaultInc + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + _T("gdk-pixbuf-2.0"))         )
                project.AddIncludeDir(GtkPathDefaultInc + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + _T("gdk-pixbuf-        2.0"));


            // add link libraries

            // Notice: there are more libs required as the app gets more complex, e.g.:
            // pangocairo-1.0.lib, pangocairo-1.0.lib, libatk-1.0.dll.a,
            // gdk_pixbuf-2.0.lib, gdk-win32-2.0.lib,  pango-1.0.lib,
            // gmodule-2.0.lib,    gthread-2.0.lib,    cairo.lib,
            // pangoft2-1.0.lib    (...)

            /*if (GtkVersion == 1)
            project.AddCompilerOption(_T("`pkg-config gtk+-3.0 --cflags`"));
            project.AddLinkerOption(_T("`pkg-config gtk+-3.0 --libs`"));
                project.AddCompilerOption(_T("`pkg-config gtk+ --cflags`"));
                project.AddLinkerOption(_T("`pkg-config gtk+ --libs`"));

        // enable compiler warnings (project-wide)
        WarningsOn(project, Wizard.GetCompilerID());

        // Debug
        local target = project.GetBuildTarget(Wizard.GetDebugName());
        if (!IsNull(target))
            target.SetTargetType(ttConsoleOnly); // ttConsoleOnly: console for debugging
            target.SetOutputFilename(Wizard.GetDebugOutputDir() + Wizard.GetProjectName() +         DOT_EXT_EXECUTABLE);
            // enable generation of debugging symbols for target
            DebugSymbolsOn(target, Wizard.GetCompilerID());

        // Release
        target = project.GetBuildTarget(Wizard.GetReleaseName());
        if (!IsNull(target))
            target.SetTargetType(ttExecutable); // ttExecutable: no console
            target.SetOutputFilename(Wizard.GetReleaseOutputDir() + Wizard.GetProjectName() +         DOT_EXT_EXECUTABLE);
            // enable optimizations for target
            OptimizationsOn(target, Wizard.GetCompilerID());

        return true;

如果要設置Code :: Blocks,以便它不會在GTK + GUI后面打開win32控制台窗口,請轉到Project-> Properties-> Build target,然后在“ Selected build target options”下選擇Type:下拉列表並選擇GUI應用程序,可能會選擇“控制台應用程序”


這些詳細信息可能不適用於17.12以外的任何版本的Code :: Blocks

我在Ubuntu 16.04上的Code :: Blocks 17.12有相同的問題

根據上面的答案,解決方案(對我而言)是修改GTK向導腳本,但這與所描述的略有不同,可能是因為Code :: Blocks版本不同。

代碼::塊->新建->項目->右鍵單擊“ GTK +項目”->選擇“編輯此腳本”

Code :: Blocks現在將在編輯器窗格中顯示一個腳本。 但是此腳本已鎖定。 它也不會保存在任何地方。

保存文件Code :: Blocks-> File-> Save

該文件將作為Wizard.script保存到〜/ .local / share / codeblocks / templates / wizard / gtk。

在Code :: Blocks中關閉此文件(在編輯器窗格選項卡中單擊“ x”)



    project.AddCompilerOption(_T("`pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --cflags`"));

    project.AddLinkerOption(_T("`pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs`"));    


    project.AddCompilerOption(_T("`pkg-config gtk+-3.0 --cflags`"));

    project.AddLinkerOption(_T("`pkg-config gtk+-3.0 --libs`"));    

注意兩行中的'gtk + -2.0'已更改為'gtk + -3.0'

啟動代碼::: Blocks並創建一個新項目。 現在應該可以編譯了。


注意:Code :: Blocks New-> Project-> GTK + Wizard圖標現在將以紅色顯示。 這表明GTK +項目向導腳本已被修改。


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