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[英]How can I constrain a generic type to implement a generic interface?


// GET /foos
  "data": [
    { FooResource },
    { Fooresource },
// GET /bars
  "data": [
    { BarResource },
    { BarResource },

我希望圖書館的用戶能夠指定他們要使用的通用集合。 到現在為止還挺好。

class ApiResources<T, TCollection> where TCollection : ICollection<T>
    public TCollection Data { get; set; }

但是,我希望在實例化客戶端單例時指定它(在這種情況下, IFooIBar是定義Foo和Bar資源中各種鍵的接口)

class ApiClient<TFoo, TBar, TCollection>
  where TFoo : IFoo
  where TBar : IBar
  where TCollection : ???
    TCollection<TFoo> GetFoos()
        ApiResources<TFoo, TCollection> resources = // make API call to get Foos
        return resources.Data;

    TCollection<TBar> GetBars()
        ApiResources<TBar, TCollection> resources = // make API call to get Bars
        return resources.Data;

我該怎么做呢? 我得到了There is no boxing conversion or type parameter conversion from 'TCollection' to 'ICollection<TFoo>'錯誤, There is no boxing conversion or type parameter conversion from 'TCollection' to 'ICollection<TFoo>' 我基本上想擁有TCollection : ICollection<T>而無需在ApiClient類定義中定義T



var client = new ApiClient<Foo, Bar, List>(); // List<T> for any T???
List<Foo> foos = client.GetFoos();
List<Bar> bars = client.GetBars();

您的類ApiClient甚至沒有使用ApiResource ,因此您不能將ApiResourceTCollection ApiClient約束為ApiClientTCollection ApiResource (不存在)。 所以我建議你做了同樣的約束ApiClient ,那你做ApiResources

class ApiClient<TFoo, TBar, T, TCollection> [...] where TCollection : ICollection<T>


var x = new ApiClient<Foo, Bar, SomeClass, Collection<SomeClass>>().GetFoos();

或者您將方法設為通用 ,如下所示:

TCollection GetFoos<T, TCollection> where T : TFoo where TCollection : ICollection<T>()
    ApiResources<TFoo, TCollection> resources = // make API call to get Foos
    return resources.Data;


var x = new ApiClient<Foo, Bar>().GetFoos<SomeClass, Collection<SomeClass>>();

但是也許我完全理解您的問題。 很難確定要達到的目標。


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