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C# 使用托管 Wifi API 連接到 Wifi 網絡

[英]C# Connect to Wifi Network with Managed Wifi API

我想知道是否可以使用 Managed Wifi API 連接到 wifi 網絡?


也許你應該花幾分鍾搜索一下。 Managed Wifi API codeplex 頁面:

該庫使用本機 Wifi API,...

所以要去 Native Wifi API: MSDN

連接到無線網絡或斷開無線網絡。 請參閱 WlanConnect 和 WlanDisconnect。

此外,在 Managed Wifi APIWlanApi.cs的源代碼中:

/// <summary>
/// Requests a connection (association) to the specified wireless network.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The method returns immediately. Progress is reported through the <see cref="WlanNotification"/> event.
/// </remarks>
public void Connect(Wlan.WlanConnectionMode connectionMode, Wlan.Dot11BssType bssType, string profile)
    Wlan.WlanConnectionParameters connectionParams = new Wlan.WlanConnectionParameters();
    connectionParams.wlanConnectionMode = connectionMode;
    connectionParams.profile = profile;
    connectionParams.dot11BssType = bssType;
    connectionParams.flags = 0;

而網站的獨特樣本就是這樣做的! 樣本

static void Main( string[] args )
    WlanClient client = new WlanClient();
    foreach ( WlanClient.WlanInterface wlanIface in client.Interfaces )
        // Lists all networks with WEP security
        Wlan.WlanAvailableNetwork[] networks = wlanIface.GetAvailableNetworkList( 0 );
        foreach ( Wlan.WlanAvailableNetwork network in networks )
            if ( network.dot11DefaultCipherAlgorithm == Wlan.Dot11CipherAlgorithm.WEP )
                Console.WriteLine( "Found WEP network with SSID {0}.", GetStringForSSID(network.dot11Ssid));

        // Retrieves XML configurations of existing profiles.
        // This can assist you in constructing your own XML configuration
        // (that is, it will give you an example to follow).
        foreach ( Wlan.WlanProfileInfo profileInfo in wlanIface.GetProfiles() )
            string name = profileInfo.profileName; // this is typically the network's SSID
            string xml = wlanIface.GetProfileXml( profileInfo.profileName );

        // Connects to a known network with WEP security
        string profileName = "Cheesecake"; // this is also the SSID
        string mac = "52544131303235572D454137443638";
        string key = "hello";
        string profileXml = string.Format("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><WLANProfile xmlns=\"http://www.microsoft.com/networking/WLAN/profile/v1\"><name>{0}</name><SSIDConfig><SSID><hex>{1}</hex><name>{0}</name></SSID></SSIDConfig><connectionType>ESS</connectionType><MSM><security><authEncryption><authentication>open</authentication><encryption>WEP</encryption><useOneX>false</useOneX></authEncryption><sharedKey><keyType>networkKey</keyType><protected>false</protected><keyMaterial>{2}</keyMaterial></sharedKey><keyIndex>0</keyIndex></security></MSM></WLANProfile>", profileName, mac, key);
        wlanIface.SetProfile( Wlan.WlanProfileFlags.AllUser, profileXml, true );
        wlanIface.Connect( Wlan.WlanConnectionMode.Profile, Wlan.Dot11BssType.Any, profileName );


Windows 10 中有一些 API 可以做到這一點。

請參閱MSDN 上的 WiFiAdapter 類GitHub 上的一些示例代碼

我在托管 API 上看到的好處是您不必處理創建 XML 配置文件來連接到新網絡的工作。 實際上,您只需輸入密碼即可連接到網絡。


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