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[英]DBI connect, failed: FATAL: sorry, too many clients already


* 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/an_outgoing_tps_report.pl
* 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/an_processed_rule_report.pl
* 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/sdp_incoming_traffic_tps_report.pl
* 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/en_outgoing_tps_report.pl
* 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/en_processed_rule_report.pl
* 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/rs_incoming_traffic_report.pl
* 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/an_summary_report.pl
* 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/en_summary_report.pl
* 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/user_report.pl


DBI connect('dbname = scs; host =; port = 5432','postgres',...)失敗:致命:抱歉,/ var / fdp / reportingscript / sdp_incoming_traffic_tps_report.pl第38行已有太多客戶端。




use strict;
use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use Time::Local;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;

my $channel;
my $circle;
my $daysbefore;
my $dbh;
my $processed;
my $discarded;
my $db_name     = "scs";
my $db_vip      = "";
my $db_port     = "5432";
my $db_user     = "postgres";
my $db_password = "postgres";
#### code to redirect all console output in log file
my ( $seco_, $minu_, $hrr_, $moday_, $mont_, $years_ ) = localtime(time);
$years_ += 1900;
$mont_  += 1;
my $timestamp = sprintf( "%d%02d%02d", $years_, $mont_, $moday_ );
$timestamp .= "_" . $hrr_ . "_" . $minu_ . "_" . $seco_;
print "timestamp is $timestamp \n";
my $logfile = "/var/fdp/log/reportlog/sdp_incoming_report_$timestamp";
print "\n output files is " . $logfile . "\n";
open( STDOUT, ">", $logfile ) or die("$0:dup:$!");
open STDERR, ">&STDOUT" or die "$0: dup: $!";

my ( $sec_, $min_, $hr_, $mday_, $mon_, $year_ ) = localtime(time);

$dbh = DBI->connect( "DBI:Pg:dbname=$db_name;host=$db_vip;port=$db_port",
    "$db_user", "$db_password", { 'RaiseError' => 1 } );
print "\n Dumper is " . $dbh . "\n";
my $sthcircle = $dbh->prepare("select id,name from circle");

while ( my $refcircle = $sthcircle->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
    print "\n dumper for circle is " . Dumper($refcircle);
    my $namecircle = uc( $refcircle->{'name'} );
    my $idcircle   = $refcircle->{'id'};
    $circle->{$namecircle} = $idcircle;
    print "\n circle name : " . $namecircle . "id is " . $idcircle;

sub getDate {
    my $daysago = shift;
    $daysago = 0 unless ($daysago);
    my @months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
    my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) = localtime( time - ( 86400 * $daysago ) );
    # YYYYMMDD, e.g. 20060126
    $year_ = $year + 1900;
    $mday_ = $mday;
    $mon_  = $mon + 1;
    return sprintf( "%d-%02d-%02d", $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday );

GetOptions( "d=i" => \$daysbefore );

my $filedate = getDate($daysbefore);
print "\n filedate is $filedate \n";
my @basedir = CONFIG::getBASEDIR();
print "\n array has basedir" . Dumper(@basedir);
$mon_  = "0" . $mon_  if ( defined $mon_  && $mon_ <= 9 );
$mday_ = "0" . $mday_ if ( defined $mday_ && $mday_ <= 9 );

foreach (@basedir) {
    my $both = $_;
    print "\n dir is $both \n";
    for ( keys %{$circle} ) {
        my $path     = $both;
        my $circleid = $_;
        print "\n circle is $circleid \n";
        my $circleidvalue = $circle->{$_};
        my $file_csv_path = "/opt/offline/reports/$circleid";
        my %sdp_hash      = ();
        print "\n file is $file_csv_path csv file \n";
        if ( -d "$file_csv_path" ) {
        } else {
            mkdir( "$file_csv_path", 0755 );

        my $csv_new_file
            = $file_csv_path
            . "\/FDP_"
            . $circleid
            . $mday_ . "_"
            . $mon_ . "_"
            . $year_ . "\.csv";
        print "\n file is $csv_new_file \n";
        print "\n date:$year_-$mon_-$mday_ \n";

        open( DATA, ">>", $csv_new_file );
        $path = $path . $circleid . "/Reporting/EN/Sdp";
        print "\n *****path is $path \n";
        my @filess = glob("$path/*");

        foreach my $file (@filess) {
            print "\n Filedate ---------> $filedate file is $file \n";
            if ( $file =~ /.*_sdp.log.$filedate-*/ ) {
                print "\n found file for $circleid \n";
                my $x;
                my $log       = $file;
                my @a         = split( "-", $file );
                my $starttime = $a[3];
                my $endtime   = $starttime;
                my $sdpid;
                my $sdpid_value;
                $starttime = "$filedate $starttime:00:00";
                $endtime   = "$filedate $endtime:59:59";
                open( FH, "<", "$log" ) or die "cannot open < $log: $!";

                while (<FH>) {
                    my $line = $_;
                    print "\n line is $line \n";
                    $line =~ s/\s+$//;
                    my @a = split( ";", $line );
                    $sdpid = $a[4];
                    my $stat = $a[3];
                print "\n Dumper is x:" . Dumper($x) . "\n";
                foreach my $sdpidvalue ( keys %{$x} ) {
                    print "\n sdpvalue us: $sdpidvalue \n";
                    if ( exists( $x->{$sdpidvalue}->{processed} ) ) {
                        $processed = $x->{$sdpidvalue}->{processed};
                    } else {
                        $processed = 0;
                    if ( exists( $x->{$sdpidvalue}->{discarded} ) ) {
                        $discarded = $x->{$sdpidvalue}->{discarded};
                    } else {
                        $discarded = 0;
                    my $sth_new1 = $dbh->prepare("select id from sdp_details where sdp_name='$sdpid' ");
                    print "\n sth new is " . Dumper($sth_new1);
                    while ( my $row1 = $sth_new1->fetchrow_hashref ) {
                        $sdpid_value = $row1->{'id'};
                        print "\n in hash rowref from sdp_details table " . Dumper($sdpid_value);
                    my $sth_check
                        = $dbh->prepare(
                        "select processed,discarded from sdp_incoming_tps where circle_id='$circleidvalue' and sdp_id='$sdpid_value' and start_time='$starttime' and end_time='$endtime'"
                    print "\n Dumper for bhdatabase statement is " . Dumper($sth_check);
                    my $duplicate_row = 0;
                    my ( $success_, $failure_ );
                    while ( my $row_dup = $sth_check->fetchrow_hashref ) {
                        print "\n row_dup is " . Dumper($row_dup);
                        $duplicate_row = 1;
                        $success_ += $row_dup->{'processed'};
                        $failure_ += $row_dup->{'discarded'};
                    if ( $duplicate_row == 0 ) {
                        my $sth
                            = $dbh->prepare(
                            "insert into sdp_incoming_tps (id,circle_id,start_time,end_time,processed,discarded,sdp_id) select nextval('sdp_incoming_tps_id'),'$circleidvalue','$starttime','$endtime','$processed','$discarded','$sdpid_value' "
                    } else {
                        $success_ += $processed;
                        $failure_ += $discarded;
                        my $sth
                            = $dbh->prepare(
                            "update sdp_incoming_tps set processed=$success_,discarded=$failure_ where circle_id='$circleidvalue' and sdp_id='$sdpid_value' and start_time='$starttime' and end_time='$endtime'"
#                    my $file_csv_path = "/opt/offline/reports/$circleid";
#                    my %sdp_hash      = ();
#                    if ( -d "$file_csv_path" ) {
#                    } else {
#                        mkdir( "$file_csv_path", 0755 );
#                    }
#                    my $csv_new_file = $file_csv_path . "\/FDP_" . $circleid . "_SDPINCOMINGTPSREPORT_". $mday_ . "_" . $mon_ . "_" . $year_ . "\.csv";
                    print "\n file is $csv_new_file \n";
                    print "\n date:$year_-$mon_-$mday_ \n";
                    open( DATA, ">>", $csv_new_file ) or die("cant open file : $! \n");
                    print "\n csv new file is $csv_new_file \n";
                    my $sth_new2 = $dbh->prepare("select * from sdp_details");

                    while ( my $row1 = $sth_new2->fetchrow_hashref ) {
                        my $sdpid = $row1->{'id'};
                        $sdp_hash{$sdpid} = $row1->{'sdp_name'};
                    #print "\n resultant sdp hash".Dumper(%sdp_hash);
                    print "\n timestamp being matched is $year_-$mon_-$mday_ \n";
                    print "\n circle id value is $circleidvalue \n";
                    my $sth_new
                        = $dbh->prepare(
                        "select * from sdp_incoming_tps where date_trunc('day',start_time)='$year_-$mon_-$mday_' and circle_id='$circleidvalue'"
                    print "\n final db line is " . Dumper($sth_new);
                    my $str     = $sth_new->{NAME};
                    my @str_arr = @$str;
                    my @upper = map { ucfirst($_) } @str_arr;
                    $upper[4] = "Sdp-Name";
                    my $st = join( ",", @upper );
                    $st = $st . "\n";
                    $st =~ s/\_/\-/g;
                    #print $fh "sep=,"; print $fh "\n";

                    print DATA $st;
                    while ( my $row = $sth_new->fetchrow_hashref ) {

                        print "\n found matching row \n";
                        my $row_line
                            = $row->{'start_time'} . ","
                            . $row->{'end_time'} . ","
                            . $row->{'processed'} . ","
                            . $row->{'discarded'} . ","
                            . $sdp_hash{ $row->{'sdp_id'} } . "\n";
                        print "\n row line matched is " . $row_line . "\n";
                        print DATA $row_line;
            } else {




如錯誤消息所示,當前的問題是,一次運行所有這些腳本所需的數據庫連接數超出了服務器允許的數量。 如果它們單獨運行良好,則單獨運行它們可以解決該問題。

潛在的問題是您的crontab錯誤。 * 1 * * *每天從0100到0159 每分鍾運行所有腳本。 如果他們花費了超過一分鍾的時間,那么新的集將在前一個集完成之前啟動,這需要另外一組數據庫連接,這些連接將相當快地在可用連接池中運行。

我假設您只需要每天運行一次日常腳本,而不是六十次,因此將其更改為5 1 * * *以僅在0105處運行一次。


5 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/an_outgoing_tps_report.pl
10 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/an_processed_rule_report.pl
15 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/sdp_incoming_traffic_tps_report.pl
20 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/en_outgoing_tps_report.pl
25 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/en_processed_rule_report.pl
30 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/rs_incoming_traffic_report.pl
35 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/an_summary_report.pl
40 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/en_summary_report.pl
45 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/user_report.pl


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