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[英]Confused about how to use return in c#

Ai是這里的新手,也是編程的新手。 我很抱歉,如果這個問題真的很幼稚,但是在簡單的C#程序中使用return類型遇到了一些麻煩。 這是我的代碼文件,在AccountTest類中的d == 2處,我希望提款過程重新開始,但是這次不要求用戶輸入帳戶余額。 一個朋友建議使用while循環,但是我不知道如何在此處使用while循環。 提前致謝。 :)

using System;

public class Account
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.Write("Enter your account balance: ");
        int AccountBalance = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());


    public static void Debit(int AccountBalance)

        Console.Write("\n\nEnter the amount you want to withdraw in Rs: ");
        int WithdrawalAmount = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

        AccountTest.DebitTest(AccountBalance, WithdrawalAmount);


public class AccountTest
    public static int DebitTest(int AccountBalance, int WithdrawalAmount)
        if (WithdrawalAmount > AccountBalance)
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nDebit amount exceeded account balance.");
            return 0;
        else if (WithdrawalAmount <= 0)
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nError. Incorrect amount.");
            return 0;
            int newBalance = AccountBalance - WithdrawalAmount;
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nWithdrawal was successful. Thankyou for using our services.\n\nPress 1 to exit, 2 to withdraw again, 3 to check your account balance.\n");
            int InputNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            if (InputNumber == 1)
                return 0;

            else if (InputNumber == 2)

                return WithdrawalAmount;

            else if (InputNumber == 3)
                Console.WriteLine("\n\nYour remaining account balance is: {0}", newBalance);
                return 0;
        return 0;

確實應該對代碼進行重構。 將帳戶視為thing更有意義,因為它應該是它自己的對象,並且應該告訴它該怎么做:

 public class Account
    public int Balance { get; set; }

    public Account(int startBalance)
        Balance = startBalance;

    public void Debit(int amount) { Balance -= amount; }
    public void Credit(int amount) { Balance += amount; }

現在,您可以詢問用戶要使用其帳戶做什么,並且您有空間添加多個帳戶。 因此該程序可能看起來像:

int startingAmount = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
var account = new Account(startingAmount);

Console.WriteLine("1 to credit, 2 to debit, 0 to exit");
var input = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
while (input != 0)
   //manipulate account         



一種。 如果您從未使用過編碼,那么它只會使事情變得復雜,而從流程圖開始,說明您從程序以及從每個組件(類,函數等)獲得的結果,這很容易要將其轉換為代碼,您可以嘗試使用該站點,它看起來非常用戶友好,並且將以正確的格式繪制流程圖。

b。 就像這里的人在我之前說過的那樣,請不要使用a,b,c之類的變量,因為第二天,您將嘗試從上次中斷的地方繼續,而您會忘記自己的意思。

C。 嘗試思考使用代碼防止重復的方法。

d。 使用硬編碼值是不好的做法(硬編碼意味着:

return "this value to return is hard coded and will never change";




public static void Debit(int AccountBalance)
    int result = 0;
        Console.Write("\n\nEnter the amount you want to withdraw in Rs: ");
        var WithdrawalAmount = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

        result = AccountTest.DebitTest(AccountBalance, WithdrawalAmount);

    } while (result != 0);

您應該閱讀while循環。 基本上,您想要的是返回一個數字的方法,該數字確定程序下一步應執行的操作或何時結束。 將循環視為您的引擎指出“只要不按下[選擇鍵],就繼續做某事”。


int choice = 0;
int balance = 100;
while (choice != 1) {
    Console.WriteLine("Enter withdraw amount");
    string userInput = Console.ReadLine();

    // This will crash the program if the user enters text.
    // Used for demonstration only. int.TryParse is preferred.
    int value = int.Parse(userInput);

    choice = AccountTest.DebitTest(balance, value);

class AccountTest {
    public static int DebitTest(int AccountBalance, int WithdrawalAmount)
        // do the test if the debit is OK

        // At the end, you can do this. This till return the value entered and 
        // choice will be given a new value. If it was 1, the program will end.
        // NOTE: It's not safe to use convert as                
        // it will crash the program if the user enters text.
        return Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); 


請注意,這不是功能正常的ATM程序,因為余額永遠不會更新。 我將其留給您解決,因為我猜這是針對編程中的一類=)

好吧,這是我的程序版本。 我稍微改變了行為(例如再次詢問該值何時無效)。 這並不完美; 例如,消息和RequestDebit方法應在Account類之外(也許在AccountHandler類中)處理,但是對於此簡單練習而言,所有這些可能都太過分了。 無論如何,我希望您覺得它有用:

public class Account
    public int Balance { get; set; }

    public Account(int startingBalance)
        this.Balance = startingBalance;

    private bool Debit(int amount)
        if (amount <= 0)
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nError. Incorrect amount.");
            return false;

        if (amount > this.Balance)
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nDebit amount exceeded account balance.");
            return false;

        this.Balance -= amount;
        Console.WriteLine("\n\nWithdrawal was successful. Thankyou for using our services.");
        return true;

    public void RequestDebit()
        bool success;
            Console.Write("\n\nEnter the amount you want to withdraw in Rs: ");
            int withdrawalAmount = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            success = this.Debit(withdrawalAmount);
        } while (!success);

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        int accountBalance;
            Console.Write("Enter your account balance: ");
            accountBalance = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
        } while (accountBalance <= 0);

        var myAccount = new Account(accountBalance);


        int inputNumber;
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nPress 1 to exit, 2 to withdraw again, 3 to check your account balance.\n");
            inputNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            switch (inputNumber)
                case 2: myAccount.RequestDebit();
                case 3:
                    Console.WriteLine("\n\nYour remaining account balance is: {0}", myAccount.Balance);

        } while (inputNumber != 1);


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