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嘗試學習boost :: intrusive Q3-在IC中存儲指針時,我應該使用smart_pointer嗎?

[英]Trying to learn boost::intrusive Q3 - When storing pointers in ICs, should I use smart_pointer?

我對侵入式容器的理解有了長足的進步。 我有一個運行“ while”的程序,然后在這樣的代碼行上運行:delete * it; (見下文):


                // :  public list_base_hook< void_pointer< ip::offset_ptr<void> > >
class OneDepthPrice : public list_base_hook<link_mode<auto_unlink>> // This is a derivation hook
    Provider provider;
    Price price;
    list_member_hook<link_mode<auto_unlink>> member_hook_; // This is a member hook

    OneDepthPrice(Provider prov, Price p) : provider(prov), price(p) {}


std::vector<OneDepthPrice *>& vecPrices

for (auto it = vecPrices.begin(); it != vecPrices.end();  ++it)
    auto& e = *it;
    std::cout << e->provider.name << "\n" << std::flush;
    if(e->provider.name == newPrices.provider.name)
        delete *it; //This is the offending line in the stack trace in the debugger.

        it = vecPrices.erase(it);


#0 0x407ddd boost::intrusive::list_node_traits<void*>::set_next(n=@0x7fffffffe2b8: 0x0, 
next=@0x7fffffffe2b0: 0x706860) (/usr/local/include/boost/intrusive/detail/list_node.hpp:64)
#1 0x409189 boost::intrusive::circular_list_algorithms<boost::intrusive::list_node_traits<void*> >::unlink(this_node=@0x7fffffffe2e8: 0x706830) (/usr/local/include/boost/intrusive/circular_list_algorithms.hpp:140)
#2 0x407e2a boost::intrusive::generic_hook<boost::intrusive::get_list_node_algo<void*>, boost::intrusive::default_tag, (boost::intrusive::link_mode_type)2, (boost::intrusive::base_hook_type)1>::unlink(this=0x706830) (/usr/local/include/boost/intrusive/detail/generic_hook.hpp:180)
#3 0x406b5c boost::intrusive::detail::destructor_impl<boost::intrusive::generic_hook<boost::intrusive::get_list_node_algo<void*>, boost::intrusive::default_tag, (boost::intrusive::link_mode_type)2, (boost::intrusive::base_hook_type)1> >(hook=...) (/usr/local/include/boost/intrusive/detail/utilities.hpp:371)
#4 0x405b13 boost::intrusive::generic_hook<boost::intrusive::get_list_node_algo<void*>, boost::intrusive::default_tag, (boost::intrusive::link_mode_type)2, (boost::intrusive::base_hook_type)1>::~generic_hook(this=0x706830, __in_chrg=<optimized out>) (/usr/local/include/boost/intrusive/detail/generic_hook.hpp:160)
#5 0x40534a boost::intrusive::list_base_hook<boost::intrusive::link_mode<(boost::intrusive::link_mode_type)2>, void, void>::~list_base_hook(this=0x706830, __in_chrg=<optimized out>) (/usr/local/include/boost/intrusive/list_hook.hpp:86)
#6 0x405546 OneDepthPrice::~OneDepthPrice(this=0x706830, __in_chrg=<optimized out>) (/home/idf/Documents/TestCPPArrays/TestCPPArrays.cpp:86)
#7 0x403728 UpdateBunchTogether(vectogether=..., vecPrices=..., newPrices=...) (/home/idf/Documents/TestCPPArrays/TestCPPArrays.cpp:291)
#8 0x404765 main() (/home/idf/Documents/TestCPPArrays/TestCPPArrays.cpp:558)

這是一個奇怪的錯誤,因為該程序不是多線程的,但運行了一段時間卻沒有任何障礙。 我不確定發生了什么,但是也許我需要使用smart_pointers?

將我的評論移至答案。 當您這樣做時:

for (auto it = vecPrices.begin(); it != vecPrices.end();  ++it)
    auto& e = *it;
    if(e->provider.name == newPrices.provider.name)
        delete *it; //This is the offending line in the stack trace in the debugger.

        it = vecPrices.erase(it);

擦除時可以正確更新迭代器,但是可以無條件地增加它。 這很不好,原因有兩個:可能無法刪除下一個對象,並且如果erase()返回end()那么您就越過了向量的末尾。


for (auto it = vecPrices.begin(); it != vecPrices.end();  /* nothing */)
    auto& e = *it;
    if(e->provider.name == newPrices.provider.name)
        delete *it; //This is the offending line in the stack trace in the debugger.

        it = vecPrices.erase(it);
        ++it; // this is where we increment

實際上加速侵入你擔心在那里的對象將參考所有的時間 (因為引用是所有的地方)。

也許您只想要weak_ptr。 似乎您正在嘗試實現垃圾回收。 這是一個使用weak_ptr稍作修改的想法:


#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using std::string;
using boost::shared_ptr;
using boost::weak_ptr;
using boost::make_shared;

struct Person {
    string name_;
    Person(string name) : name_(move(name)) {}

    using tag = weak_ptr<void>;

    tag track() const { return tracking_tag; }

    shared_ptr<void> tracking_tag = make_shared<char>('x');

template <typename T>
inline bool IsDeleted(weak_ptr<T> const& v) {
    return !v.lock();

enum favcolor { red, blue, pink, magenta, beige } favorite_color;

template <typename Map> size_t garbage_collect(Map& map)
    size_t collected = 0;
    for (auto it = map.begin(); it!=map.end();)
        if (IsDeleted(it->first))
            ++collected, it = map.erase(it);

    return collected;

int main()
    std::vector<Person> people;

    for (auto&& name : { "John", "Mike", "Garbarek", "Milou", "Confucius", "Kiplat" })

    struct Properties {
        favcolor favorite_color;
        struct Car { string brand; int year; } vehicle;

    std::map<Person::tag, Properties> associated {
        { people[0].track(), Properties { magenta, { "Chevy", 1986 } } },
        { people[2].track(), Properties { pink,    { "Kia",   2011 } } },

    for (auto& p : people) std::cout << p.name_ << " "; std::cout << "\n";
    std::cout << "Defined properties: " << associated.size() << "\n";

    people.erase(std::remove_if(people.begin(), people.end(), [](Person const& p) { return p.name_[1] == 'o'; }), people.end());

    for (auto& p : people) std::cout << p.name_ << " "; std::cout << "\n";
    std::cout << "Defined properties before garbage collect: " << associated.size() << "\n";

    auto count = garbage_collect(associated);
    std::cout << "Defined properties after garbage collect: " << associated.size() << " (" << count << " collected)\n";


John Mike Garbarek Milou Confucius Kiplat 
Defined properties: 2
Mike Garbarek Milou Kiplat 
Defined properties before garbage collect: 2
Defined properties after garbage collect: 1 (1 collected)


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