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嘗試學習boost :: intrusive Q5

[英]Trying to learn boost::intrusive Q5

我有以下程序。 我在Linux下使用gcc-4.9.2構建了它。 我的問題是:


2)我該如何通過密鑰自己遍歷哈希表,並說出std :: cout散列到存儲桶的每個項目,例如the #if 0 #endif部分中的代碼?

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>

#include <boost/intrusive/unordered_set.hpp>

namespace bic = boost::intrusive;

std::hash<std::string> hash_fn;

struct MyClass : bic::unordered_set_base_hook<bic::link_mode<bic::auto_unlink>>
    std::string name;
    int anInt1;
    mutable bool bIsMarkedToDelete;

    MyClass(std::string name, int i) : name(name), anInt1(i), bIsMarkedToDelete(false) {}

    bool operator==(MyClass const& o) const
        //return anInt1 == o.anInt1 && name == o.name;
        return name == o.name;

    struct hasher
        size_t operator()(MyClass const& o) const
            return o.anInt1;
            //return hash_fn(o.name);

std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const MyClass& ac)
    std::cout << ac.name << " " << ac.anInt1;

    return out;

typedef bic::unordered_set<MyClass, bic::hash<MyClass::hasher>, bic::constant_time_size<false> > HashTable;

int main()
    std::vector<MyClass> values
        MyClass { "John",     0 },
        MyClass { "Mike",     0 },
        MyClass { "Dagobart", 25 },
        MyClass { "John",     5 },
        MyClass { "Mike",     25 },
        MyClass { "Dagobart", 26 },
        MyClass { "John",     10 },
        MyClass { "Mike",     25 },
        MyClass { "Dagobart", 27 },
        MyClass { "John",     15 },
        MyClass { "Mike",     27 }

    HashTable::bucket_type buckets[100];
    HashTable hashtable(values.begin(), values.end(), HashTable::bucket_traits(buckets, 100));

    std::cout << "\nContents of std::vector<MyClass> values\n";

    for(auto& e: values)
        std::cout << e << " ";

    std::cout << "\nContents of HashTable hashtable\n";

    for(auto& b : hashtable)
        std::cout << b << '\n';

#if 0 // This code won't compile since there is no operator [] for hashtable
    for(int bucket = 0; bucket < 27; bucket++)
        auto hit(hashtable[bucket].rbegin());
        auto hite(hashtable[bucket].rend());

        while (hit != hite)
            MyClass mc = *hit;

            std::cout << mc << " ";


        std::cout << '\n';
#endif // 0

    std::cout << '\n';
    std::cout << "values size first " << values.size() << '\n';
    std::cout << "hash size fist " << hashtable.size() << '\n';

    for(auto& e: values)
        e.bIsMarkedToDelete |= ("Mike" == e.name);

    std::cout << "removing all bIsMarkedToDelete";
    for(auto& e: values)
            std::cout << e << " ";

    std::cout << '\n';

        std::remove_if(std::begin(values), std::end(values), std::mem_fn(&MyClass::bIsMarkedToDelete)),

    std::cout << "values size now " << values.size() << '\n';
    std::cout << "hash size now " << hashtable.size() << '\n';

    std::cout << "Contents of value after removing elements " << '\n';
    for(auto& e: values)
        std::cout << e << " ";

    std::cout << "\nContents of HashTable hashtable after delete Mike\n";

    for(auto& b : hashtable)
        std::cout << b << '\n';

    std::cout << '\n';


    std::cout << values.size() << '\n';
    std::cout << hashtable.size() << '\n';

    std::cout << "Done\n";

    int j;
    std::cin >> j;


bool operator==(MyClass const& o) const
    //return anInt1 == o.anInt1 && name == o.name;
    return name == o.name;

struct hasher
    size_t operator()(MyClass const& o) const
        return o.anInt1;
        //return hash_fn(o.name);

如果IFF始終將每個不同的name值散列到同一存儲桶,則將是很好的選擇。 遺憾的是:例如,“ Mike”散列為3個不同的值:

    MyClass { "Mike",     0  },
    MyClass { "Mike",     25 },
    MyClass { "Mike",     25 },
    MyClass { "Mike",     27 }



Contents of std::vector<MyClass> values
John Mike Dagobart John Mike Dagobart John Mike Dagobart John Mike 
Contents of HashTable hashtable
Mike 0
John 0
John 5
John 10
John 15
Mike 25
Dagobart 25
Dagobart 26
Mike 27
Dagobart 27

values size first 11
hash size fist 10
removing all bIsMarkedToDeleteMike Mike Mike Mike 
values size now 7
hash size now 7
Contents of value after removing elements 
John Dagobart John Dagobart John Dagobart John 
Contents of HashTable hashtable after delete Mike
Dagobart 25
John 0
Dagobart 26
John 15
John 10
John 5
Dagobart 27


我必須假設“第一次”是“ HashTable哈希表的內容 ”部分。 確實,如果仔細觀察,這似乎是“按桶分類”。 逐個桶地對容器進行迭代可能很有意義。


2)我該如何通過密鑰自己遍歷哈希表,並說出std :: cout散列到存儲桶的每個項目,例如#if 0 #endif部分中的代碼?

沒有直接的(公共API)方法。 您可以通過使用hashtable.bucket(key)來構建用於調試目的的映射:


#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <functional>

#include <boost/intrusive/unordered_set.hpp>

namespace bic = boost::intrusive;

std::hash<std::string> hash_fn;

struct MyClass : bic::unordered_set_base_hook<bic::link_mode<bic::auto_unlink>>
    std::string name;
    int anInt1;
    mutable bool bIsMarkedToDelete;

    MyClass(std::string name, int i) : name(name), anInt1(i), bIsMarkedToDelete(false) {}

    bool operator==(MyClass const& o) const
        return anInt1 == o.anInt1 && name == o.name;

    struct hasher
        size_t operator()(MyClass const& o) const
            return hash_fn(o.name);

std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const MyClass& ac) {
    return out << ac.name << " " << ac.anInt1;

typedef bic::unordered_set<MyClass, bic::hash<MyClass::hasher>, bic::constant_time_size<false> > HashTable;

int main()
    std::vector<MyClass> values {
        MyClass { "Dagobart", 25 },
        MyClass { "Dagobart", 26 },
        MyClass { "Dagobart", 27 },
        MyClass { "John",     0  },
        MyClass { "John",     10 },
        MyClass { "John",     15 },
        MyClass { "John",     5  },
        MyClass { "Mike",     0  },
        MyClass { "Mike",     25 },
        MyClass { "Mike",     25 },
        MyClass { "Mike",     27 }

    HashTable::bucket_type buckets[100];
    HashTable hashtable(values.begin(), values.end(), HashTable::bucket_traits(buckets, 100));

    std::cout << "\nDebugging buckets of hashtable\n";

    std::multimap<size_t, MyClass const*> debug_map;
    std::transform(hashtable.begin(), hashtable.end(), 
            std::inserter(debug_map, debug_map.end()), 
            [&](MyClass const& mc) { return std::make_pair(hashtable.bucket(mc), &mc); }

    for (auto& entry : debug_map)
        std::cout << "Debug bucket: " << entry.first << " -> " << *entry.second << "\n";


Debugging buckets of hashtable
Debug bucket: 16 -> Mike 27
Debug bucket: 16 -> Mike 25
Debug bucket: 16 -> Mike 0
Debug bucket: 21 -> Dagobart 27
Debug bucket: 21 -> Dagobart 26
Debug bucket: 21 -> Dagobart 25
Debug bucket: 59 -> John 5
Debug bucket: 59 -> John 15
Debug bucket: 59 -> John 10
Debug bucket: 59 -> John 0



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