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[英]How to run a LINQ query on a collection of objects and a collection inside of each object

我有一個對象集合,其中每個對象也都有一個集合。 像這樣:

public class Product
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public List<Tuple<string, double>> Sales { get; set; }

我想運行LINQ查詢來檢查Product實體是否存在,如果確實存在,則檢查它的Sales集合以查看是否還存在特定的字符串值(來自Tuple)。 如果是這樣,我想返回相應的double(也從Tuple中)。


saleAmount = String.Empty;                      
product = Model.Products.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == product.Id);
if(product != null)
    productSale = product.Sales.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Item1 == sale.Id);
    if(productSale != null)
        saleAmount = productSale.Item2.ToString();


關鍵是要在定義完整體之后才真正通過SingleOrDefault查詢。 改為使用Where ,然后在最后使用SingleOrDefault

var query = (from product in Model.Products
                where product.Id == someProductId
                let sale = product.Sales.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Item1 == sale.Id)
                where sale != null
                select new
                    saleAmount = sale.Item2,



var products = Model.Products.Where(p => p.Id == product.Id
                                         p.Sales.Any(i => i.Item1 == sale.Id) );

var saleAmount = (products != null && products.Any()) 
                                   ? products.First().Sales.First().Item2.ToString()
                                   : string.Empty;


此解決方案使用默認的人造預創建Product的幫助,如果找不到該Product ,則使用該Product 在擴展方法DefaultIfEmpty中使用它,該方法確定是否已返回空投影,在這種情況下,它將代替返回人造實例。 之后,我們可以安全地提取一個值為string.empty的值,並將其分配給最終的字符串productSale


// Our default will set saleAmount to string.Empty if nothing is found in Products.
var defProduct = new Product() 
                      { Id    = -1, 
                        Sales = new List<Tuple<string, double>>()
                                  { new Tuple<string,double>(string.Empty, 0.0) }};

var productSale =

Products.Where(p => p.Id == product.Id && p.Sales.Any (s => s.Item2 == 1.5 ) )
        .DefaultIfEmpty( defProduct )
        .First ()


LinqPad中的整個測試項目,使用1.5模擬失敗。 使用1.6表示成功。

void Main()

    var targetSalePrice = 1.5;
    var targetProductId = 2;

    var Products = new List<Product>() { new Product()
                                           { Id = 2,
                                             Sales = new List<Tuple<string, double>>()
                                            { new Tuple<string,double>("actual", 1.6) } }

// Our default will set saleAmount to string.Empty if nothing is found in Products.
var defProduct = new Product() { Id = -1, Sales = new List<Tuple<string, double>>()
                                  { new Tuple<string,double>("faux string.Empty", 0.0) }};

var productSale =

Products.Where(p => p.Id == targetProductId 
                   && p.Sales.Any (s => s.Item2 == targetSalePrice ) )
        .DefaultIfEmpty( defProduct )
        .First ()
        .Sales.First ()

    productSale.Dump(); // outputs the string "faux string.Empty" from the faux default.


// Define other methods and classes here

public class Product
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public List<Tuple<string, double>> Sales { get; set; }


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