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[英]Prototype function not working in IE8

我最近問了一個問題,並收到了有效的工作答案。 但是當時,我正在Firefox中進行測試,盡管看上去一切都不錯,但所需的瀏覽器IE8不喜歡此功能。


這是我的原始問題: jQuery按條件過濾行


// collating the 'regions':
var regions = ['americas', 'emea', 'apac'],
// initialising an array to use, later:
    foundClasses = [];

// iterating over the 'tr' elements, filtering them:
$('tr').filter(function () {
    // using Array.prototype.forEach to filter the classList of the element:
    foundClasses = Array.prototype.filter.call(this.classList, function (c) {
        // 'c' is the current class in the classList we're iterating over,
        // if it's in the array we return that array to the 'foundClasses':
        if (regions.indexOf(c) > -1) {
            return c;
    // we keep the the element in the jQuery collection (of 'tr' elements),
    // if we do not have exactly 2 of the allowed classes...
    return foundClasses.length !== 2;
// removing those 'tr' elements:


如評論中所述。 Array.prototype.filter在IE8中不存在。 相反,您可以使用jQuery的grep()

// collating the 'regions':
var regions = ['americas', 'emea', 'apac'];

// iterating over the 'tr' elements, filtering them:
$('tr').filter(function () {
    var foundClasses = $.grep(this.className.split(/\s+/), function (c) {
        return $.grep(regions, function(r) { return r === c; }).length > 0;

    // we keep the the element in the jQuery collection (of 'tr' elements),
    // if we do not have exactly 2 of the allowed classes...
    return foundClasses.length !== 2;

請注意,直到IE 10,IE也不支持.classList 。相反,您可以如上所述使用this.className.split(/\\s+/)


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