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python 3.x覆蓋前一個終端行

[英]python 3.x overwrite previous terminal line

我寫了一個簡單的程序來計算擲骰子的平均結果(毫無意義,但是您必須從某處開始; P):

import random, time
from random import randrange

count = 0
total = 0
one_count = 0 

for x in range(10000000):
    random = randrange(1,7)
    count = count + 1
    total = total + random
    average = total / count
    percentage = one_count / count * 100
    if random == 1:
        one_count = one_count + 1
    print("the percentage of ones occurring is", percentage, "and the average outcome is", average)
#   time.sleep(1)

為了清理它,我希望輸出覆蓋前一行。 我嘗試了所有可能找到的內容,但是我唯一想做的就是將最后一行更改為:打印到同一行而不擦除以前的內容:

print("the percentage of ones occuring is", percentage, "and the average outcome is", average, "/// ", end="")


the percentage of ones occuring is 0.0 and the average outcome is 4.0 /// the percentage of ones occuring is 0.0 and the average outcome is 4.5 /// the percentage of ones occuring is 0.0 and the average outcome is 3.6666666666666665 /// 


在末尾添加\\r 這樣,您編寫的下一行將從上一行的開頭開始。 然后刷新輸出,以便立即顯示。



for x in range(100000):
    rnd = randrange(1,7) # don't use random
    count += 1
    total = total + rnd
    average = total / count
    percentage = one_count / count * 100
    if rnd == 1:
        one_count += 1
    print("the percentage of ones occurring is {} and the average outcome is {}".format(percentage,average),end='\r')

另外要注意,使用total = total + random不是一個好主意,您正在導入random模塊,並使用random作為變量名。


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