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C ++-在尋路中對std :: vector進行排序

[英]c++ - sorting std::vector in pathfinding

我正在嘗試在我正在開發的游戲中實現粗略的尋路示例。 我到了需要對std::vector<Tile*>進行排序的地步,並且嘗試使用以下代碼進行排序,但出現了很多我無法弄清的錯誤。 我還嘗試將sortF結構中的引用更改為指針,但是又遇到另一個錯誤- Comparison between pointer and integer ('Tile *' and 'int')

有問題的錯誤是: No matching function for call to object of type 'Stage::sortF'




struct sortF
    bool operator()(const Tile& a, const Tile& b) const
        return a.f > b.f;


bool Stage::tilePath(Tile* start, Tile* end)
    std::vector<Tile*> path;
    std::vector<Tile*> open;
    std::vector<Tile*> closed;
    start->previousTile = start;
    start->g = 0;
    start->h = 0;
    start->f = 0;

    int i, j;
    float g, h, f;

    int sx, sy, ex, ey;

    int cost;

    Tile* current = start;
    Tile* neighbor = NULL;
    Tile* previous = NULL;
    std::cout << neighbor << std::endl;

    while(current != end) {
        sx = fmaxf(0, current->x - 1);
        sy = fmaxf(0, current->y - 1);
        ex = fminf(17 - 1, current->x + 1);
        ey = fminf(6 - 1, current->y + 1);

        for(i = sx; i <= ex; i++) {
            for(j = sy; j <= ey; j++) {
                neighbor = tiles[((j - 1) * 17) + i - 1];
                if(neighbor == current || !neighbor->walkable) continue;
                previous = current;
                if(false /* raytrace */) {

                } else {
                    cost = (current->x != neighbor->x || current->y != neighbor->y) ? 1.4 : 1;
                    g = current->g + cost;
                    h = euclidian(neighbor, end);
                    f = g + h;

                if(std::find(open.begin(), open.end(), neighbor) != open.end() ||
                   std::find(closed.begin(), closed.end(), neighbor) != closed.end()) {
                    if(neighbor->f > f) {
                        neighbor->f = f;
                        neighbor->g = g;
                        neighbor->h = h;
                        neighbor->previousTile = current;
                } else {
                    neighbor->f = f;
                    neighbor->g = g;
                    neighbor->h = h;
                    neighbor->previousTile = current;

        if(open.size() == 0) {
            return false;
        std::sort(open.begin(), open.end(), sortF());
        current = open[0];
        std::remove(open.begin(), open.end(), 0);
    return true;


sortF() ,而不是sortF

error: expected primary-expression before ‘)’ token
    std::sort(open.begin(), open.end(), sortF);

您需要一個sortF實例,而不是struct sortF類型。 使用sortF()創建一個臨時對象,或者使用函數代替函子:

bool sortF(const Tile& a, const Tile& b)
    return a.f > b.f;

Tile*const Tile&

您在std::vector<Tile*>上使用std::sort ,但是比較函數使用const Tile&作為參數。 使用std::vector<Tile>或更正函數中的類型:

bool sortF(const Tile* a, const Tile* b)
    return a->f > b->f;


struct sortF
    bool operator()(Tile* ap, Tile* bp) const
        return a->f > b->f;

您絕對必須在比較器函數中更改對指針的引用。 您沒有告訴您有關指針和整數之間比較的錯誤的確切位置,但我相信它發生在這一行:

std::remove(open.begin(), open.end(), 0);

std :: remove()采用容器的值類型,而不是索引。 您想做的可能是


也就是說,此操作以及排序都需要相當長的時間,並且正如Javi V所評論的那樣,此處最好使用堆結構。


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