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[英]Publish exe using installshield

我在vb中制作了應用程序,並且運行順利。 我現在必須發布它以在其他PC中使用。 如何獲得正常工作的exe? 我已經嘗試過使用Visual Studio-其他項目-安裝shield,但是在構建時會顯示以下警告:

Warning 1   -7235: InstallShield could not create the software identification tag because the Tag Creator ID setting in the General Information view is empty.  ISEXP : warning : -7235: InstallShield could not create the software identification tag because the Tag Creator ID setting in the General Information view is empty.

Warning 2   -6245: One or more of the project's components contain .NET properties that require the .NET Framework.  It is recommended that the release include the .NET Framework. ISEXP : warning : -6245: One or more of the project's components contain .NET properties that require the .NET Framework.  It is recommended that the release include the .NET Framework.

Warning 3   -6248: Could not find dependent file axvlc.dll, or one of its dependencies of component AxInterop.AXVLC.dll ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file axvlc.dll, or one of its dependencies of component AxInterop.AXVLC.dll

Warning 4   -6248: Could not find dependent file axvlc.dll, or one of its dependencies of component AxInterop.AXVLC.dll1    ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file axvlc.dll, or one of its dependencies of component AxInterop.AXVLC.dll1

Warning 5   -6248: Could not find dependent file axvlc.dll, or one of its dependencies of component Interop.AXVLC.dll   ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file axvlc.dll, or one of its dependencies of component Interop.AXVLC.dll

Warning 6   -6248: Could not find dependent file axvlc.dll, or one of its dependencies of component Interop.AXVLC.dll1  ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file axvlc.dll, or one of its dependencies of component Interop.AXVLC.dll1

Warning 7   -6248: Could not find dependent file axvlc.dll, or one of its dependencies of component SjCam_Remote.exe    ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file axvlc.dll, or one of its dependencies of component SjCam_Remote.exe

Warning 8   -6248: Could not find dependent file axvlc.dll, or one of its dependencies of component SjCam_Remote.exe1   ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file axvlc.dll, or one of its dependencies of component SjCam_Remote.exe1

該應用程序使用VLC插件。 該應用程序在Maker PC上運行良好。 在其他PC中請求Vlc時阻止。 (已安裝.net Framework 4.5)

PS如果我使用Visual Studio發布功能,則結果是相同的。

我怎樣才能解決這個問題 ?

我在Dropbox文件夾中添加的引用存在相同的問題。 現在,引用保留在保管箱(O :)路徑中。 我不得不從注冊表編輯器中手動刪除它。 手指交叉不會損壞Visual Studio參考。 主要問題是VS(我用C#編寫)正在使用2個dll。 糟糕的Interop.AXVLC和AxInterop.AXVLC。

如果將生成模式更改為64位計算機,則可能會發生這種情況。 實際上,這一天,我使用的是vlc 2.1.0,部分實現了該功能。


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