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[英]Java - Can you inherit from a superclass and have a static constructor that references the base classes as opposed to the parent class?


class Parent{
    public static Parent instance = null;
    public Parent(){}
    public static Parent getInstance(){
        if (instance == null)
            instance = new Parent();
        return instance

class Child extends Parent{
    public Child(){
        System.out.println("Child initialized.");

如果我也希望代碼在每個子類中創建一個靜態instance ,是否需要復制代碼以獲取getInstance ,還是可以呢?

如果我沒有誤會,您想為每個子類創建一個單例,並且不想重復代碼。 如果將子類的類作為參數傳遞給getInstance,則可以:

class Parent{
    public static HashMap<Class<? extends Parent>, Parent> instance 
                  = new HashMap<Class<? extends Parent>, Parent>();
    protected Parent(){}
    public static <T> T getInstance(Class<? extends Parent> cls) 
                    throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException{
        if (instance.get(cls) == null) {
            instance.put(cls, cls.newInstance());
        return (T)instance.get(cls);

class Child extends Parent{
    protected Child(){


Child child = Child.getInstance(Child.class);


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