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[英]Adding User Defined data

首先我想說的是這是我的作業。 我不是在尋找答案來幫助弄清楚我做錯了什么。 這是我的第一個編程課程,到目前為止我一直都很棒。 現在突然間我迷路了。

問題:創建一個應用程序,讓用戶輸入運營其汽車所產生的以下費用的月度成本:貸款支付,保險,汽油,機油,輪胎和維護。 然后,該計划應顯示這些費用的每月總費用以及這些費用的年度總費用。


private void totalMonthlyButton_Click(object sender,EventArgs e){

        decimal loan;        // Monthly cost of loan
        decimal insurance;   // Monthly insurance cost
        decimal gas;         // Monthly gas cost
        decimal oil;         // Monthly oil cost
        decimal tires;       // Monthly tire cost
        decimal maintenance; // Monthly maintenance cost
        decimal monthlyCost; // Monthly total cost

        // Get the loan amount.
        loan = decimal.Parse(loanTextBox.Text);
        // Get the insurance amount.
        insurance = decimal.Parse(insTextBox.Text);
        // Get the gas amount.
        gas = decimal.Parse(gasTextBox.Text);
        // Get the oil amount.
        oil = decimal.Parse(oilTextBox.Text);
        // get the tires amount.
        tires = decimal.Parse(tiresTextBox.Text);
        // Get the maintenance amount.
        maintenance = decimal.Parse(mainTextBox.Text);
        // determine the monthly cost.
        monthlyCost = decimal.Parse(totalMonthlyLabel.Text);

        // Calculate monthly cost.
        monthlyCost = loan + insurance + gas + oil + tires + maintenance;

        // Display the monthlyCost in the correct control.

非常感謝任何幫助。 如果我正朝着正確的方向前進,如果我完全關閉,下一步去哪里,我再也不想要答案。



decimal loan;        // Monthly cost of loan
decimal insurance;   // Monthly insurance cost
decimal gas;         // Monthly gas cost
decimal oil;         // Monthly oil cost
decimal tires;       // Monthly tire cost
decimal maintenance; // Monthly maintenance cost
decimal monthlyCost; // Monthly total cost

    loan = decimal.Parse(loanTextBox.Text);
    insurance = decimal.Parse(insTextBox.Text);
    gas = decimal.Parse(gasTextBox.Text);
    oil = decimal.Parse(oilTextBox.Text);
    tires = decimal.Parse(tiresTextBox.Text);
    maintenance = decimal.Parse(mainTextBox.Text);
    monthlyCost = loan + insurance + gas + oil + tires + maintenance;
    TotalMonthlyLabel.Text = monthlyCost.ToString();// Display the monthlyCost in the correct control.
catch { }


        decimal loan;        // Monthly cost of loan
        decimal insurance;   // Monthly insurance cost
        decimal gas;         // Monthly gas cost
        decimal oil;         // Monthly oil cost
        decimal tires;       // Monthly tire cost
        decimal maintenance; // Monthly maintenance cost
        decimal monthlyCost; // Monthly total cost

        // Get the loan amount.
        loan = decimal.Parse(loanTextBox.Text);
        // Get the insurance amount.
        insurance = decimal.Parse(insTextBox.Text);
        // Get the gas amount.
        gas = decimal.Parse(gasTextBox.Text);
        // Get the oil amount.
        oil = decimal.Parse(oilTextBox.Text);
        // get the tires amount.
        tires = decimal.Parse(tiresTextBox.Text);
        // Get the maintenance amount.
        maintenance = decimal.Parse(mainTextBox.Text);
        // determine the monthly cost.

        // Calculate monthly cost.
        monthlyCost = loan + insurance + gas + oil + tires + maintenance;
        totalMonthlyLabel.Text = monthlyCost.ToString();

您必須從您的用戶那里獲得不同類型的每月費用(這將是您的輸入)。 然后你的程序應該對該輸入執行一些計算以獲得一些輸出(即在你的情況下為monthlyCost )。 您不必從您的用戶獲得monthlyCost


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