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[英]Error message still printing even though exit condition met and entered

我遇到了一個相當大的問題,試圖弄清楚為什么這些代碼段即使在應該返回true或不打印該錯誤消息的塊中執行了cout語句,也為什么會打印錯誤消息。 有任何想法嗎? 我是新來的,所以如果不允許這樣做,請告訴我。 謝謝!


case 'a':
            // Format: a ID credits GPA
            // Adds a student with the given student ID (ID), number of 
            // credits (credits), and overall GPA (GPA) to the database. 
            // If the student is already in the database, an error 
            // message should be printed indicating this.

            int credits = 0;
            double gpa = 0;
            cin >> studentID;
            cin >> credits;  
            cin >> gpa;

            // Adds the student and checks to see if the student was actually added
            // or if there was an existing student with the specified ID

            bool added = addStudent(studentID, credits, gpa);
            if(added == false);
                cout << "Student already exists in database, nothing changed." << endl;
                // Still prints this when executed with valid 


bool addStudent (int id, int numCredits, double gpa) {

// Check to see if student exists

if (nextEntry != 0)
    for (int x = 0; x < 7000; x++) {
        Student tmp = studentRecords[x];
        if (tmp.studentId == id)
            return false;
            cout << "hey" << endl;

// If student does not exist, add to records database
if (nextEntry != 7000)
    studentRecords[nextEntry].studentId = id;
    studentRecords[nextEntry].numCredits = numCredits;
    studentRecords[nextEntry].gpa = gpa;
    return true;
    // confirmed I can get here

return false;

你有一個額外的; if (added==false)語句之后。 這將終止if語句,之后的代碼將運行,無論是否進行檢查。


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