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StreamReader如何讀取所有字符,包括0x0D 0x0A字符?

[英]How does StreamReader read all chars, including 0x0D 0x0A chars?

StreamReader如何讀取所有字符,包括0x0D 0x0A字符?

我有一個試圖隱藏的舊.txt文件。 許多行(但不是全部)以“ 0x0D 0x0D 0x0A”結尾。


StreamReader srFile = new StreamReader(gstPathFileName);
while (!srFile.EndOfStream) {
    string stFileContents = srFile.ReadLine();

這會在每個.txt行之間產生額外的“”字符串。 由於段落之間有一些空白行,因此刪除所有“”字符串會刪除這些空白行。

有沒有辦法讓StreamReader讀取所有字符,包括“ 0x0D 0x0D 0x0A”?


ReadLine非常簡單的重新實現。 我已經完成了返回IEnumerable<string>的版本,因為它更容易。 我把它放在擴展方法中,所以放在static class 該代碼帶有大量注釋,因此應易於閱讀。

public static class StreamEx
    public static string[] ReadAllLines(this TextReader tr, string separator)
        return tr.ReadLines(separator).ToArray();

    // StreamReader is based on TextReader
    public static IEnumerable<string> ReadLines(this TextReader tr, string separator)
        // Handling of empty file: old remains null
        string old = null;

        // Read buffer
        var buffer = new char[128];

        while (true)
            // If we already read something
            if (old != null)
                // Look for the separator
                int ix = old.IndexOf(separator);

                // If found
                if (ix != -1)
                    // Return the piece of line before the separator
                    yield return old.Remove(ix);

                    // Then remove the piece of line before the separator plus the separator
                    old = old.Substring(ix + separator.Length);

                    // And continue 

            // old doesn't contain any separator, let's read some more chars
            int read = tr.ReadBlock(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

            // If there is no more chars to read, break the cycle
            if (read == 0)

            // Add the just read chars to the old chars
            // note that null + "somestring" == "somestring"
            old += new string(buffer, 0, read);

            // A new "round" of the while cycle will search for the separator

        // Now we have to handle chars after the last separator

        // If we read something
        if (old != null)
            // Return all the remaining characters
            yield return old;

請注意,按照書面規定,它不會直接處理您的問題:-)但是,它使您可以選擇要使用的分隔符。 因此,您使用"\\r\\n" ,然后修剪多余的'\\r'


using (var sr = new StreamReader("somefile"))
    // Little LINQ to strip excess \r and to make an array
    // (note that by making an array you'll put all the file
    // in memory)
    string[] lines = sr.ReadLines("\r\n").Select(x => x.TrimEnd('\r')).ToArray();


using (var sr = new StreamReader("somefile"))
    // Little LINQ to strip excess \r
    // (note that the file will be read line by line, so only
    // a line at a time is in memory (plus some remaining characters
    // of the next line in the old buffer)
    IEnumerable<string> lines = sr.ReadLines("\r\n").Select(x => x.TrimEnd('\r'));

    foreach (string line in lines)
        // Do something

您始終可以使用BinaryReader並一次手動地BinaryReader讀取一個字節。 保留字節,然后在遇到0x0d 0x0d 0x0a ,為當前行創建一個新的字節字符串。


  • 我假設您的編碼為Encoding.UTF8但您的情況可能有所不同。 直接訪問字節,我不知道如何立即理解編碼。
  • 如果您的文件包含其他信息,例如字節順序標記 ,也將返回該信息。


public static IEnumerable<string> ReadLinesFromStream(string fileName)
    using ( var fileStream = File.Open(gstPathFileName) )
    using ( BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(fileStream) )
        var bytes = new List<byte>();
        while ( binaryReader.PeekChar() != -1 )

            bool newLine = bytes.Count > 2
                && bytes[bytes.Count - 3] == 0x0d
                && bytes[bytes.Count - 2] == 0x0d
                && bytes[bytes.Count - 1] == 0x0a;

            if ( newLine )
                yield return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes.Take(bytes.Count - 3).ToArray());

        if ( bytes.Count > 0 )
            yield return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes.ToArray());


char[] acBuf = null;
int iReadLength = 100;
while (srFile.Peek() >= 0) {
    acBuf = new char[iReadLength];
    srFile.Read(acBuf, 0, iReadLength);
    string s = new string(acBuf);


var allLines = File.ReadAllText(gstPathFileName)


for(var i = 0; i < allLines.Length; ++i)
    allLines[i] = allLines[i].TrimEnd('\r');

您可以根據需要for鏈接中for相關處理。 或者,如果您不想保留數組,請使用它代替for

foreach(var line in allLines.Select(x => x.TrimEnd('\r')))
    // use 'line' here ...


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