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[英]How to compare two lists in .NET

List<Employee> emplist = new List<Employee>();
emplist.Add(new Employee { Name = "Emp_1", BasicSalary = 1000, Id = Guid.NewGuid(), HRA = 100, DA = 10, TotalSalary = 1110 });
emplist.Add(new Employee { Name = "Emp_2", BasicSalary = 1000 * 2, Id = Guid.NewGuid(), HRA = 200, DA = 20, TotalSalary = 2220 });
emplist.Add(new Employee { Name = "Emp_3", BasicSalary = 1000 * 3, Id = Guid.NewGuid(), HRA = 300, DA = 30, TotalSalary = 3330 });

var result = empRep.CallSupportFindAll();

// CollectionAssert.AreEqual(emplist, result);
Assert.AreEqual(emplist, result);
var r1 = result[0];
Assert.AreEqual(r1.Name, emplist[0].Name);
Assert.AreEqual(r1.TotalSalary, emplist[0].TotalSalary);
Assert.AreEqual(r1.BasicSalary, emplist[0].BasicSalary);

我想比較兩個列表emplistresult Assert.AreEqual(r1.Name, emplist[0].Name); 工作,但如果我們有成千上萬的記錄,那么我需要寫成千上萬的行。 所以請回答-對於比較兩個列表的一個行代碼...在此先感謝

如果我理解正確,您僅擁有List<Employee>兩個實例,並且您想斷言它們是相等的。 也就是說,它們具有相同數量的Employee實例,並且順序相同,並且屬性相同。

如果是這樣,則與FakeItEasy無關。 您只需要執行斷言的方法。 我個人將使用Fluent Assertions做到這一點。


您可以使用HashSet <>比較兩個列表。


public class EmployeeComparer : IEqualityComparer<Employee>
        public bool Equals(Employee x, Employee y)
            if (x == null && y == null)
                return true;
            if (x == null || y == null)
                return false;

            //You can implement the equal method as you like. For instance, you may compare by name 
            if (x.Id == y.Id)
                return true;
            return false;

        public int GetHashCode(Employee employee)
            return employee.Id.GetHashCode();


var equaliser = new EmployeeComparer();
HashSet<Employee> inputHashset = new HashSet<Employee>(emplist ,equaliser );
  HashSet<Employee> resultHashset = new HashSet<Employee>(result,equaliser);

最后,聲明兩組的相等性。 這意味着,而不是

 Assert.AreEqual(emplist, result);

  public bool compareTwolist<T>(List<T> lst1,List<T> lst2)

        bool bresult = false;
        if (lst1.GetType() != lst2.GetType())
            return false;

        //if any of the list is null, return false
        if ((lst1 == null && lst2 != null) || (lst2 == null && lst1 != null))
            return false;

        //if count don't match between 2 lists, then return false
        if(lst1.Count != lst2.Count)
            return false;

       foreach (T item in lst1)
           T obj1 = item;
           T obj2 = lst2.ElementAt(lst1.IndexOf(item));
           Type type = typeof(T);

           foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property in type.GetProperties())
               string obj1Value = string.Empty;
               string obj2Value = string.Empty;

               if (type.GetProperty(property.Name).GetValue(obj1) != null)
                   obj1Value = type.GetProperty(property.Name).GetValue(obj1).ToString();

               if (type.GetProperty(property.Name).GetValue(obj2) != null)
                   obj2Value = type.GetProperty(property.Name).GetValue(obj2).ToString();

               //if any of the property value inside an object in the list didnt match, return false
               if (obj1Value.Trim() != obj2Value.Trim())
                   bresult = false;

         return bresult;



只是檢查var a是否為真

var a = compareTwolist(empwithoutid,resultwithoutid); Assert.IsTrue(a);

其他答案中建議的比較方法要求您對所有對象實施均等。 從維護的角度來看,這不能很好地擴展。 同樣在某些測試中,僅要比較字段的子集。 這意味着要實施的多個比較或等於方法。 另一種方法是stateprinter,它將狀態轉儲到字符串中以進行比較。 它甚至可以為您編寫和重寫斷言。 https://github.com/kbilsted/StatePrinter/blob/master/doc/AutomatingUnitTesting.md的自動化和更多信息https://github.com/kbilsted/StatePrinter/blob/master/doc/TheProblemsWithTraditionalUnitTesting.md為您現在面對的有關單元測試問題的深入討論。


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