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[英]Loading a combo box data source

所以我想使用一個函數接收一個組合框的數據源,該函數以字符串的形式接收它需要加載的數據源的名稱,然后將其加載,但是我無法像我想的那樣使它工作該程序只是試圖加載變量名,而不是加載它代表的數據源。 抱歉,如果用詞不好,希望我的代碼能清除我的意思。


    bool TeamPlayers(string teamName, ComboBox team)//Makes the players of the selected team available for selection as scorers
        if (teamName == "Canada")
            string[] players = {"Johny Moonlight", "DTH Van Der Merwe", "Phil Mackenzie" };
            team.DataSource = players;
        else if (teamName == "New Zealand")
            string[] players = {"Dan Carter", "Richie Mccaw", "Julian Savea" };
            team.DataSource = players;
        else if (teamName == "South Africa")
            string[] players = {"Jean de Villiers", "Bryan Habana", "Morne Steyn" };
            team.DataSource = players;
        return (true);


    bool TeamPlayers(string teamName, ComboBox team)//Makes the players of the selected team available for selection as scorers
        string[] Canada = {"Johny Moonlight", "DTH Van Der Merwe", "Phil Mackenzie" };
        string[] NZ = {"Dan Carter", "Richie Mccaw", "Julian Savea" };
        string[] RSA = {"Jean de Villiers", "Bryan Habana", "Morne Steyn" };
        team.DataSource = teamName;
        return (true);

其中teamName將是Canada,NZ或RSA。 有人知道我可以這樣做嗎?


Dictionary<string, string[]> teams = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();

public void PopulateTeams()
    teams.Add("canada", new[] { "Johny Moonlight", "DTH Van Der Merwe", "Phil Mackenzie" });
    teams.Add("nz", new[] { "Dan Carter", "Richie Mccaw", "Julian Savea" });
    teams.Add("rsa", new[] { "Jean de Villiers", "Bryan Habana", "Morne Steyn" });


private bool TeamPlayers(string teamName, ComboBox team)
    team.DataSource = null;
    if (teams.ContainsKey(teamName))
        team.DataSource = teams[teamName];
        return true;
    return false;


dict<string, string[]> teamPlayers;


team.DataSource = teamPlayers[teamName];


bool TeamPlayers(string teamName, ComboBox team)//Makes the players of the selected team available for selection as scorers
    Dictionary<string, string[]> teamNames = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();

    teamNames.Add("Canada", new string[] { "Johny Moonlight", "DTH Van Der Merwe", "Phil Mackenzie" });
    teamNames.Add("New Zealand", new string[] { "Dan Carter", "Richie Mccaw", "Julian Savea" });
    teamNames.Add("South Africa", new string[] { "Jean de Villiers", "Bryan Habana", "Morne Steyn" });

    team.DataSource = teamNames[teamName];
    return (true);


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