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[英]How can I implement a class that can be saved in User Settings?


public class SoundViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged {

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    public string Name { get; private set; }

    public SoundViewModel( string Name ) { this.Name = Name; }

    private FileInfo
        _RingIn = new FileInfo( "Sounds/RingIn.wav" ),
        _Correct = new FileInfo( "Sounds/Correct.wav" ),
        _Incorrect = new FileInfo( "Sounds/Incorrect.wav" ),
        _TimeOver = new FileInfo( "Sounds/TimeOver.wav" );

    public FileInfo RingIn {
        get { return this._RingIn; }
        set {
            this._RingIn = value;
            this.OnPropertyChanged( "RingIn" );

    public FileInfo Correct {
        get { return this._Correct; }
        set {
            this._Correct = value;
            this.OnPropertyChanged( "Correct" );

    public FileInfo Incorrect {
        get { return this._Incorrect; }
        set {
            this._Incorrect = value;
            this.OnPropertyChanged( "Incorrect" );

    public FileInfo TimeOver {
        get { return this._TimeOver; }
        set {
            this._TimeOver = value;
            this.OnPropertyChanged( "TimeOver" );

    private void OnPropertyChanged( string p ) {
        if ( this.PropertyChanged != null )
            this.PropertyChanged( this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs( p ) );



The easiest way to make a class serializable is to mark it with the Serializable attribute




<Setting Name="DefaultSounds" Type="EQLControls.Controls.SoundViewModel" Scope="User">
  <Value Profile="(Default)" />
<Setting Name="PlayerSounds" Type="System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection&lt;EQLControls.Controls.SoundViewModel&gt;" Scope="User">
  <Value Profile="(Default)" />

C# -

public global::EQLControls.Controls.SoundViewModel DefaultSounds {
    get {
        return ((global::EQLControls.Controls.SoundViewModel)(this["DefaultSounds"]));
    set {
        this["DefaultSounds"] = value;

public global::System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<EQLControls.Controls.SoundViewModel> PlayerSounds {
    get {
        return ((global::System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<EQLControls.Controls.SoundViewModel>)(this["PlayerSounds"]));
    set {
        this["PlayerSounds"] = value;




    <setting name="DefaultSounds" serializeAs="Xml">
        <value />
    <setting name="PlayerSounds" serializeAs="Xml">
        <value />


建議使用文件名而不是FileInfo對象。 我嘗試了一下,但是沒有用-(我將屬性保留為FileInfo並將其文件名存儲在變量中,作為第一步,接下來我將嘗試同時對這兩個字符串進行相同操作)。

public class SoundViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged {

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    public string Name { get; private set; }

    public SoundViewModel( string Name ) { this.Name = Name; }

    private string
        _RingIn = "Sounds/RingIn.wav",
        _Correct = "Sounds/Correct.wav",
        _Incorrect = "Sounds/Incorrect.wav",
        _TimeOver = "Sounds/TimeOver.wav";

    public FileInfo RingIn {
        get { return new FileInfo(this._RingIn ?? "Sounds/RingIn.wav"); }
        set {
            this._RingIn = value.FullName;
            this.OnPropertyChanged( "RingIn" );

    public FileInfo Correct {
        get { return new FileInfo(this._Correct ?? "Sounds/Correct.wav"); }
        set {
            this._Correct = value.FullName;
            this.OnPropertyChanged( "Correct" );

    public FileInfo Incorrect {
        get { return new FileInfo(this._Incorrect ?? "Sounds/Incorrect.wav"); }
        set {
            this._Incorrect = value.FullName;
            this.OnPropertyChanged( "Incorrect" );

    public FileInfo TimeOver {
        get { return new FileInfo(this._TimeOver ?? "Sounds/TimeOver.wav"); }
        set {
            this._TimeOver = value.FullName;
            this.OnPropertyChanged( "TimeOver" );

    private void OnPropertyChanged( string p ) {
        if ( this.PropertyChanged != null )
            this.PropertyChanged( this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs( p ) );



public class SoundViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged {

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    public string Name { get; private set; }

    public SoundViewModel( string Name ) { this.Name = Name; }

    private string
        _RingIn = "Sounds/RingIn.wav",
        _Correct = "Sounds/Correct.wav",
        _Incorrect = "Sounds/Incorrect.wav",
        _TimeOver = "Sounds/TimeOver.wav";

    public string RingIn {
        get { return this._RingIn; }
        set {
            this._RingIn = value;
            this.OnPropertyChanged( "RingIn" );

    public string Correct {
        get { return this._Correct; }
        set {
            this._Correct = value;
            this.OnPropertyChanged( "Correct" );

    public string Incorrect {
        get { return this._Incorrect; }
        set {
            this._Incorrect = value;
            this.OnPropertyChanged( "Incorrect" );

    public string TimeOver {
        get { return this._TimeOver; }
        set {
            this._TimeOver = value;
            this.OnPropertyChanged( "TimeOver" );

    private void OnPropertyChanged( string p ) {
        if ( this.PropertyChanged != null )
            this.PropertyChanged( this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs( p ) );


    <setting name="PlayerSounds" serializeAs="Xml">
        <value />

SoundViewModel需要反序列化的無參數構造函數。 僅公共屬性將被序列化。 您可以使用[XmlIgnore]跳過屬性。

您也不能在用戶設置中保存通用類型(在您的情況下為Observable<T> )。 雖然有一個簡單的解決方法,但我經常使用字典來解決。

public class MySerializableCollection : List<SoundViewModel>{}


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