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[英]C# Copy HTML-formatted table to clipboard

我需要從本地網絡地址獲取HTML格式的表格,在其中填寫一些字段,然后將其復制到剪貼板。 我最接近該解決方案的是以下代碼:

string text = File.ReadAllText(@"[network path]");
        text = text.Replace("::TTYPE::", "BLABLABLA");
        text = text.Replace("::VERSIONNAME::", SWVBox.Text);
        text = text.Replace("::TRESULT::", FinalResult());
        text = text.Replace("::SERVERPATH::", "BLABLABLA");
        text = text.Replace("::TESTERNAME::", Environment.UserName);
        text = text.Replace("::COMMENTS::", "BLABLABLA");


此代碼已將HTML文件中包含的數據復制為純文本,因此我也嘗試了Clipboard.SetText(text, TextDataFormat.Html); 但這沒用。 任何幫助將不勝感激。

這可能是您要查找的內容: https : //msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/windows/apps/xaml/jj159584.aspx


    // Prepare some HTML for copying to the Clipboard.
    const string imgSrc = "ms-appx-web:///assets/windows-sdk.png";
    const string htmlFragment = "This sample shows how to copy HTML to the "
            + "Clipboard. <br />"
            + "To <b>copy</b>, add text formats to a <i>DataPackage</i>, "
            + "and then pass <i>DataPackage</i> the to Clipboard.<br /> "
            + "To handle local image files (such as the one below), use "
            + "resourceMap collection."
            + "<br /><img id=\"scenario1LocalImage\" src=\""
            + imgSrc
            + "\" /><br />";

    string htmlFormat = HtmlFormatHelper.CreateHtmlFormat(htmlFragment);

    // Create a DataPackage object.
    var dataPackage = new DataPackage();

    // Set the content of the DataPackage as HTML format.

    // Populate the resource map with RandomAccessStreamReference objects 
    // corresponding to local image files embedded in the HTML.
    var imgUri = new Uri(imgSrc);
    var imgRef = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromUri(imgUri);
    dataPackage.ResourceMap[imgSrc] = imgRef;

        // Set the DataPackage to the clipboard.
        OutputText.Text = "HTML format was copied to the Clipboard. ";
    catch (Exception ex)
        // Copying data to the Clipboard can fail if, another application is 
        // holding the Clipboard open.
        rootPage.NotifyUser("Error copying content to Clipboard: " +
            ex.Message + ". Try again", NotifyType.ErrorMessage);


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