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[英]I don't know how to fix my reverse array/string

所以我需要能夠輸入一個字符串並將其取反。 我必須有一個庫JS文件和一個常規JS文件。 這是我的庫JS文件:

function reverseString(string) {
    var reversedString= "";
    for(var i = string.length -; i >=; --i) {
    reversedString = reversedString + string[i];
    return reversedString;


var stringEntered = prompt("Enter a string:")
var newString = reverseString(stringEntered);
document.write("the reverse of the string \" + stringEntered + \ " is \" + newString + ".")

我輸入的內容與教授向我們展示的方式完全相同,當我嘗試運行HTML文件(被編碼為調用這兩個文件)時,沒有任何反應。 我想念什么?

有很多語法問題。 這是一個工作代碼:

 function reverseString(string) { var reversedString = ""; // This loop had a lot of basic syntax issues and also // "i" was starting from the length value, while a string // is a character array and array indexes start from 0 instead of 1 for (var i = string.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { reversedString = reversedString + string[i]; } return reversedString; } var stringEntered = prompt("Enter a string:"); var newString = reverseString(stringEntered); // Here I found a mess of "/" characters // I've changed the horrible document.write with alert so you can check the result without opening the debugger... alert("the reverse of the string " + stringEntered + " is " + newString + ".") 


 function reverseString(string) { return string.split('').reverse().join(''); } var str = prompt("Enter a string", "a racecar dad"); alert(reverseString(str)); 


編輯 :對不起,沒有看到@SidneyLiebrand的注釋告訴您要​​這樣做。


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