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[英]How to pass OpenCV image to Tesseract in python?

鑒於Python代碼調用Tesseract的C API並使用ctypes庫, 選項#1圖像由Tesseract加載,它工作正常! 問題出現在選項#2中 ,當我嘗試傳遞OpenCV加載的圖像時,T​​esseract返回垃圾:

from ctypes import *
import cv2

class API(Structure):
    _fields_ = []

lang = "eng"
ts = cdll.LoadLibrary("c:/Tesseract-OCR/libtesseract302.dll")
ts.TessBaseAPICreate.restype = POINTER(API)
api = ts.TessBaseAPICreate()
rc = ts.TessBaseAPIInit3(api, 'c:/Tesseract-OCR/', lang)

##### Option #1
out = ts.TessBaseAPIProcessPages(api, 'c:/Tesseract-OCR/doc/eurotext.tif', None, 0)
print 'Option #1 => ' + string_at(out)

##### Option #2
#TESS_API void  TESS_CALL TessBaseAPISetImage(TessBaseAPI* handle, const unsigned char* imagedata, int width, int height,
#                                             int bytes_per_pixel, int bytes_per_line);

im = cv2.imread('c:/Temp/Downloads/test-slim/eurotext.jpg', cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
c_ubyte_p = POINTER(c_ubyte)
##ts.TessBaseAPISetImage.argtypes = [POINTER(API), c_ubyte_p, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int]
ts.TessBaseAPISetImage(api, im.ctypes.data_as(c_ubyte_p), 800, 1024, 3, 800 * 3)
out = ts.TessBaseAPIGetUTF8Text(api)
print 'Option #2 => ' + string_at(out)


選項#1 =>(快速)[棕色] {狐狸}跳! 超過$ 43,456.78#90 dog&duck / goose,因為來自aspammer@website.com的12.5%的電子郵件是垃圾郵件。 Der ,, schnelle'braune Fuchsspringtï¬ berdenfaulen Hund。 Le renard brun«rapide»saute par-dessus le chien paresseux。 La volpe marone rapida salta sopra il cane pigro。 Elzorromarrénrépidosalta sobre el perro perezoso。 一種raposa marrom rzipida salta sobreocï preguicoso。

選項#2 => 7?:5:*:> \\' - 〜; 2 - ; i3E:?:; i3“。i:ii ... 3;”f-i©% :::â€:::?:=’:: =£<:7“§5。<:“¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ “...... =:a,'; 2â€:3†:3_3:l。':“:“:Â:“:-_:§ 3 ;;%§%AI5〜一«:é:: 3%的IAA»â,¬E:


  • 我試過python-tesseract和tightocr庫,這很好
  • 這里我使用opencv.imread,以便有可能在矩陣上應用數學算法

有任何想法如何將OpenCV圖像(numpy.ndarray)傳遞給Tesseract? 任何幫助都會有用。

我用python 3 :( bw_img是一個numpy.ndarray)

import numpy as np
import cv2
from PIL import Image
import pytesseract


(thresh, bw_img) = cv2.threshold(bw_img, 128, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)

img = Image.fromarray(bw_img)
txt = pytesseract.image_to_string(img)


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