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[英]How do I access this array of structs - Swift

我創建了一個名為“問題”的數組,該數組充滿了結構“ QuizQuestion”的實例-基本上,我希望“ nextQuestion”函數從結構(問題)數組中提取下一個問題並將其顯示給用戶(我了解如何通過標簽等顯示數據,我只是不知道如何訪問它)。

我嘗試過調用數組索引,然后再調用實例,但這似乎不起作用。 我也嘗試過創建“ QuizQuestion”的實例作為變量,並在“ NextQuestion”函數中使用它的實例,但是我不知道如何從“問題”中自動提取問題。


import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet weak var questionLabel: UILabel!

@IBOutlet weak var answerLabel: UILabel!

@IBOutlet weak var explanationLabel: UILabel!

override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.


override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

struct QuizQuestion {
    let question: String
    let answer: Bool
    let explanation: String


let questions: [QuizQuestion] = [

    QuizQuestion(question: "Red is a four letter word", answer: false, explanation: "Red is not a four letter word"),
    QuizQuestion(question: "Dog is a three letter word", answer: true, explanation: "Dog is most likely a three letter word"),
    QuizQuestion(question: "Cow is a three letter word", answer: true, explanation: "Cow is most likely a three letter word")


var nextQuestion = QuizQuestion.self[1]

func questionVariable() {

    if nextQuestion.answer == true {
        questionLabel.text = nextQuestion.question
        explanationLabel.text = nextQuestion.explanation
        answerLabel.text = "Correct"


您可以如下定義嵌套函數 (Swift中最簡單的閉包形式):

func getNextQuestion() -> (Int) -> QuizQuestion!
    func incrementor(var index:Int) -> QuizQuestion! {
        if index < questions.count && index >= 0 {
            return questions[index]
        else {
            return nil
    return incrementor


let nextQuestion = getNextQuestion()
var question_1 = nextQuestion(0)
var question_2 = nextQuestion(1)
var question_3 = nextQuestion(2)

println("1.question text: \(question_1.question)")
println("2.question text: \(question_2.question)")
println("3.question text: \(question_3.question)")

一個簡單的函數,用於從數組中檢索問題。 聲明一個實例變量以保存當前索引。

var currentIndex = 0

func nextQuestion() -> QuizQuestion {  
// initialize current question
var currentQuestion: QuizQuestion = QuizQuestion(question: "", answer: false, explanation: "")

if currentIndex < questions.count {
    currentQuestion =  questions[currentIndex]

return currentQuestion


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