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[英]Validating a large dictionary of set strings with user input



public static Dictionary<string, string> objProfileSelections = new Dictionary<string, string>();

public static string MySelections(string key)
    objProfileSelections.Add("1", "No Answer");
    objProfileSelections.Add("3", "Less Than $25,000");
    objProfileSelections.Add("5", "$35,000 to $50,000");
    objProfileSelections.Add("7", "$50,000 to $75,000");
    objProfileSelections.Add("9", "$75,000 to $100,000");
    objProfileSelections.Add("11", "$100,000 to $150,000");
    objProfileSelections.Add("13", "$150,000+");
    objProfileSelections.Add("2", "No Answer");
    objProfileSelections.Add("4", "Less Than $25,000");
    objProfileSelections.Add("6", "$35,000 to $50,000");
    objProfileSelections.Add("8", "$50,000 to $75,000");
    objProfileSelections.Add("10", "$75,000 to $100,000");
    objProfileSelections.Add("12", "$100,000 to $150,000");
    objProfileSelections.Add("14", "$150,000+");
    string item;
    objProfileSelections.TryGetValue(key, out item);
    return item;

我想從用戶傳入一個關鍵字符串列表並傳遞這些項目以填充對象。 問題是我不知道如何編碼它所以它知道要去哪個屬性,我看了反射,但我找不到任何具有映射到屬性名稱的值字典集的示例。

為了更清楚一點,當用戶進行選擇時,它作為字典中的參數傳遞,並且字典輸出項目。 從鍵1來值無應答。 如果用戶選中了所有復選框,那么它將是值 - (1,3,5,7,9,11,13)。 當匹配屬性存在匹配鍵時,我需要提取這些值。 例如,如果用戶單擊1,5但未選中其余部分,我如何知道用戶選擇了哪些選項? 如何根據結果讓程序知道要填充哪個屬性?


public string MyAnnualIncome{ get; set; }
public List<string> InterestAnnualIncome{ get; set; }



  • 所以沒有人混淆奇數和偶數鍵是為某個目的設置的,屬於某一組屬性的奇數和屬於另一個屬性的偶數基於html選擇(即使是我的選擇,奇怪的是我感興趣的)

*更新有沒有辦法可以使用像1,3,5這樣的鍵,並使用except擴展方法將其傳遞到列表中。 然后獲取結果並使用方法將枚舉數據類型的值轉換為字符串?

希望我理解你的問題。 我會添加一個小助手類(這是一個不使用反射,但使用委托代替的解決方案):

public class PropertyModifier
   private string text;
   private Func<string> modifier;

   public PropertyModifier(Func<string> modifier)
       this.modifier = modifier;

   public PropertyModifier With(string text)
       PropertyModifier newModifier = new PropertyModifier(modifier);
       newModifier.text = text;
       return newModifier;

   public void Modify()


public static Dictionary<string, PropertyModifier> objProfileSelections = new Dictionary<string, PropertyModifier>();

public static MyUserProfile Profile; //Assuming this is the object you want to modify

public static string MySelections(string key)
    PropertyModifier myIncome = new PropertyModifier(text => Profile.MyAnnualIncome = text);
    PropertyModifier interestIncome = new PropertyModifier(text => Profile.InterestAnnualIncome.Add(text)); 

    objProfileSelections.Add("1", myIncome.With("No Answer"));
    objProfileSelections.Add("3", myIncome.With("Less Than $25,000"));
    objProfileSelections.Add("2", interestIncome.With("No Answer"));
    objProfileSelections.Add("4", interestIncome.With("Less Than $25,000"));


我嘗試在此代碼中說明如何修改可能組成配置文件的不同類的屬性。 修改僅通過反射完成,即僅提供類名,每個類中將有所不同的屬性名以及要分配給屬性的字符串值。


Profile profile = new Profile() ;
profile.SetPropertyValue("hair","color","brown") ;        

internal class Profile()
  private Hair hair_ = new Hair();   
  private Job  job_  = new Job ();

  internal Hair hair { get { return hair_ ; } } 
  internal Job  job  { get { return job_  ; } } 

  private void SetPropertyValue(string profileItemName, string ItemPropertyName, string value)
  { // it is assumed that the different items (hair or job) of the Profile are accessible 
    // with a a property

    // first find the Item object, i.e. hair or job                  
    object itemObj = this.GetType().GetProperty(profileItemName).GetValue(this,null);
    // assign to Item property the input value, e.g. hair.color=Brown
    itemObj.GetType().GetProperty(ItemPropertyName).SetValue(itemObj, value, null);

internal class Hair()
  private string color_ ;   
  private string style_ ;

  internal string   color { get { return color_  ; } set {color_ = value ; } } 
  internal string   style { get { return style_  ; } set {style_ = value ; } } 


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