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將Python嵌入到C ++中,從而調用兩個函數並傳遞數組

[英]Embedding Python into C++ calling two functions and passing array around

我正在嘗試將python函數嵌入到我的c ++代碼中,以執行一些符號和代數運算。

我的想法:我想根據某些輸入變量創建一個包含符號變量的矩陣。 此后,我想在另一個函數中使用此矩陣。 此函數從符號矩陣中生成一些坐標。 然后我想將此結果傳遞回我的C ++代碼。

我的問題:我在將矩陣從python提取到我的c ++代碼並返回到另一個函數作為輸入時遇到了問題。 因為我想將符號矩陣通過c ++傳遞給應該從該矩陣生成結果的另一個python函數。 為了嘗試我的python代碼並將其集成到c ++中,我編寫了以下代碼。

編輯:為了使我的問題更具體,我在Python中編寫了要使用此函數進行的全部工作。 為了明確起見,我需要一個函數來生成符號矩陣,而另一個函數必須計算值。 為了進行計算,這些值來自我的C ++代碼內部。


from sympy import *
import numpy as np

def main():
    start_pos = [1,2,3]
    end_pos = [4,5,6]

    generic_function = generate_symbolic_transformation(start_pos,end_pos)

# Calculation of the symbolic transformation depending on the input
def calculate_symbolic_transformation(generic_function,thetay_value,k_value):
    thetay = symbols('thetay')
    k = symbols('k')
    transf_matrix = MatrixSymbol('tm',4,4)
    transf_matrix = Matrix(transf_matrix)
    transf_matrix = sympify(generic_function)
    transf_matrix = transf_matrix.subs([(thetay,thetay_value),(k,k_value)])
    print transf_matrix
    return 1

# Generation of the symbolic transformation depending on the input
def generate_symbolic_transformation(Start_pos_coords,End_pos_coords):

    # Symbolic startposition
    Start_pos = MatrixSymbol('S',3,1)
    Start_pos = Matrix(Start_pos)
    Start_pos[0] = Start_pos_coords[0]
    Start_pos[1] = Start_pos_coords[1]
    Start_pos[2] = Start_pos_coords[2]

    print Start_pos

    # Symbolic endposition
    End_pos = MatrixSymbol('E',3,1)
    End_pos = Matrix(End_pos)
    End_pos[0] = End_pos_coords[0]
    End_pos[1] = End_pos_coords[1]
    End_pos[2] = End_pos_coords[2]

    print End_pos

    # Symbolic rotation matric
    R = MatrixSymbol('R',3,3)

    # Symbolic transformation matric
    T = MatrixSymbol('T',4,4)

    # Necessary symbolic variabls
    k = symbols('k')
    thetax = symbols('thetax')
    thetay = symbols('thetay')
    thetaz = symbols('thetaz')

    # For rotation of EulerAngles RzRyRx:
    Rx = MatrixSymbol('Rx',3,3)
    Ry = MatrixSymbol('Ry',3,3)
    Rz = MatrixSymbol('Rz',3,3)

    # Filling Rx rotation matric
    #   |   1           0                   0         |
    #   |   0       -cos(thetax)      sin(thetax)     |
    #   |   0        sin(thetax)      cos(thetax)     |

    Rx = Matrix(Rx)
    Rx[0,0] = 1
    Rx[0,1] = 0
    Rx[0,2] = 0
    Rx[1,0] = 0
    Rx[1,1] = cos(thetax)
    Rx[1,2] = -sin(thetax)
    Rx[2,0] = 0
    Rx[2,1] = sin(thetax)
    Rx[2,2] = cos(thetax)

    # Filling Ry rotation matric
    #   |    cos(thetay)        0      sin(thetay)     |
    #   |          0            1           0          |
    #   |   -sin(thetay)        0      cos(thetay)     |

    Ry = Matrix(Ry)
    Ry[0,0] = cos(thetay)
    Ry[0,1] = 0
    Ry[0,2] = sin(thetay)
    Ry[1,0] = 0
    Ry[1,1] = 1
    Ry[1,2] = 0
    Ry[2,0] = -sin(thetay)
    Ry[2,1] = 0
    Ry[2,2] = cos(thetay)

    # Filling Rz rotation matric
    #   |    cos(thetaz)   -sin(thetaz)      0     |
    #   |    sin(thetaz)    cos(thetaz)      0     |
    #   |          0            0            1     |

    Rz = Matrix(Rz)
    Rz[0,0] = cos(thetaz)
    Rz[0,1] = -sin(thetaz)
    Rz[0,2] = 0
    Rz[1,0] = sin(thetaz)
    Rz[1,1] = cos(thetaz)
    Rz[1,2] = 0
    Rz[2,0] = 0
    Rz[2,1] = 0
    Rz[2,2] = 1

    # Generating the rotation matric
    R = Rz*Ry*Rx

    # Generating the linear translation
    # Symbolic 3D line function
    Translation = MatrixSymbol('Tl',3,1)
    Translation = Start_pos + k * (End_pos-Start_pos)

    # Integrate it into the transformation matric
    #   |    R      T    |
    #   |   000     1    |
    T = Matrix(T)

    for r in range(4):
        for c in range(4):
            if (c < 3 and r < 3):
                T[r,c] = R[r,c]
            elif (c == 3 and r < 3):
                T[r,c] = Translation[i]
            elif (c < 3 and r == 3):
                T[r,c] = 0
                T[r,c] = 1

    ## Save the created matrics with symbolic variables into global object
    T = T.subs([(thetax,0),(thetaz,0)])
    return T

if __name__ == "__main__":


  1. Python函數generate_symbolic_transformation引發異常,這使得resultObjNULL 這會進一步傳播並導致崩潰。

  2. 即使resultObj不為NULL ,也不會適當地將其返回給其調用方,因為CallPlugIn_generate_symbolic_transformation的最后兩行確保僅返回一個值為NULL

但是這些是特定的問題。 我還會提出一些一般性建議,這些建議可以幫助您及早發現問題,從而節省時間和精力:

  1. 處理Python錯誤。 至少,如果Python C / API函數返回NULL ,則輸出錯誤。 例如:

if (!resultObj) { PyErr_Print(); }


追溯(最近一次通話):文件“ /home/sterin/ClionProjects/numpy1/numpy_test.py”,第15行,在generate_symbolic_transformation T = T.subs([(thetax,0),(thetaz,0)])NameError :未定義全局名稱“ thetax”


  1. 確保沒有提供NULL值作為Python C / API調用的PyObject*參數(除非特別允許)。 這將抓住使用NULL結果的地方。


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