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[英]Why am I getting "Method must have a return type"?

所以,我今天下午開始嘗試學習 C#。 我一直在玩 Fallout Shelter 並且很想制作我自己的 Dwellers Wasteland Exploration 部分的 Carbon 副本,然后我可以最終調整和擴展。

我有 Program.cs、Speech.cs 和 Events.cs

program.cs 調用 Speech.cs 來顯示每個“回合”的隨機句子。 然后它意味着調用 events.cs 來確定每個“回合”的事件類型。

問題是我似乎無法讓事件方法起作用。 它一直說 Method 必須有一個返回類型。

Speech 方法似乎工作得很好,但回想起來,我認為我並沒有真正理解我所做的。




    using System;

namespace Roaming
    class MainClass
        public static void Main (string[] args)
            //Declare Variables
            int milliseconds = 1000;
            int currenthp = 100;
            int maxhp = 100;

            string eventGet;

            do {
                Console.WriteLine("Your HP is at {0}/{1} \n", currenthp, maxhp);

                Random random = new Random();
                int randomNumber = random.Next(0,100);//Random roll do determine event

                if(randomNumber > 50)
                    Console.WriteLine ( Speech.GetRandom() );//Random Speech

                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (milliseconds);//Timer Delay

            } while(currenthp > 0);


    using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Roaming
    public class Speech
        private static readonly List<string> sentences = new List<string>() 
            "It's so cold out here.",
            "I don't know where to go.",
            "Is that a finger?",
            "I have a pain in my Stomach.",
            "I'm sure I saw something move.",
            "Saw a Guard Dog, watching the area.",
            "I'm bleeding a little.",
            "I feel a little faint.",
            "I should have brought a book.",
            "How are things back at base I wonder.",
            "I wonder what's over there.",
            "I want to head back soon.",
            "Theres a lot of noise coming from over there.",
            "I think there's the remnants of what was once a village over there.",
            "Are Feral Ghouls real?",
            "Theres something wirtten in the wall ehre but I can't make it out.",
            "I can see a RadScorpion",
            "I think I'm lost.",
            "I wonder if the radiation has created Zombies.",
            "I am so hungry.",
            "Anyone nearby could probably hear my stomach rumbling.",
            "Ooh, that was a good fart.",
            "Could really do with some water.",
            "There's something strange moving in the sky."

        private static readonly Random rangomGenerator = new Random();

        public static string GetRandom() 
            int max = sentences.Count-1;
            int randomNumber = rangomGenerator.Next(max);
            return sentences[randomNumber];



    using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Roaming
    public class eventType
        public static typeOfEvent(string eventGet)
            //Determining the type of event 
            Random random = new Random();
            int randomNumber = random.Next(0,100);//Random roll do determine event 

            if(randomNumber > 95) 
                Console.WriteLine("Find Weapon.");
            else if(randomNumber > 90) 
                Console.WriteLine("You found a stimpak");
            else if(randomNumber > 70) 
                Console.WriteLine("You were attacked"); 
                Console.WriteLine("You continue to explore"); 


public static void typeOfEvent(string eventGet)


public static void typeOfEvent(string eventGet)


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