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如何在 Visual C++ 中使用 swflib 庫從多個 .JPG 圖像創建 .swf 文件?

[英]How to create .swf file from multi .JPG images using swflib library in Visual C++?

我正在編寫一個 C++ 代碼來從多 JPG 圖片創建一個動畫 SWF 文件。

現在,我有像“image_0”到“image_100”這樣的圖片。 我找到了一個swflib庫。 我認為它會有所幫助。 到目前為止,我可以使用這個庫的方法創建.SWF文件,.SWF文件的大小是.JPG格式的圖片的總和。

所以,我想我差不多完成了。 但是,SWF 不播放。 我瘋了。 下面是我修改的代碼:

`void CSWFLIBTestProjectDlg::CreateSWFMovie_Bitmap()
    // Set movie params
    SIZE_F movieSize = {100, 100};
    int frameRate = 14;
    POINT_F pt;

    // Create empty .SWF file
    CSWFMovie swfMovie;

    swfMovie.OpenSWFFile(_T("SWF Sample Movies/Sample2.swf"), movieSize, frameRate);

    SWF_RGB bgColor = {255, 255, 255};

    // Define bitmap object
    CSWFBitmap bitmap(2, (UCHAR*)"gif_0.jpg");//bm128
    swfMovie.DefineObject(&bitmap, -1, true);

    // Define custom shape
    RECT_F shapeRect = {0, 0, 1000, 1000};
    CSWFShape shape(1, shapeRect, 1);
    SWF_RGBA lineColor = {0, 0, 0, 255};
    shape.AddLineStyle(0, lineColor);
    RECT_F bitmapRect = {0, 0, 1246, 622};                              // size of the bitmap
    RECT_F clipRect = {0, 0, 100, 100};                                 // where to fill
    shape.AddBitmapFillStyle(bitmap.m_ID, SWF_FILLSTYLETYPE_BITMAP_0, bitmapRect, clipRect);
    pt.x = 0;
    pt.y = 0;
    shape.ChangeStyle(1, 1, 0, &pt);
    shape.AddLineSegment(100, 0);
    shape.AddLineSegment(0, 100);
    shape.AddLineSegment(-100, 0);
    shape.AddLineSegment(0, -100);

    swfMovie.DefineObject(&shape, shape.m_Depth, true);

    *   move
    float i;
    for (i=0; i<10; i++)
        shape.Translate(i, 0);
        swfMovie.UpdateObject(&shape, shape.m_Depth, NULL, -1);
        //if (i>200)
        //  swfMovie.RemoveObject(shape.m_Depth);



 *  add jpg


    for (int i=1;i<=100;i++)
        char filename[100]; 

        CSWFBitmap bitmap2(3, (UCHAR*)filename);//gif_0
        swfMovie.DefineObject(&bitmap2, -1, true);//

        // Define custom shape
        RECT_F shapeRect2 = {0, 0, 1000, 1000};
        CSWFShape shape2(1, shapeRect2, 1);
        SWF_RGBA lineColor2 = {0, 0, 0, 255};
        shape2.AddLineStyle(0, lineColor2);
        RECT_F bitmapRect2 = {0, 0, 1246, 622};                             // size of the bitmap
        RECT_F clipRect2 = {0, 0, 100, 100};                                    // where to fill
        shape2.AddBitmapFillStyle(bitmap2.m_ID, SWF_FILLSTYLETYPE_BITMAP_0, bitmapRect2, clipRect2);
        pt.x = 0;
        pt.y = 0;
        shape2.ChangeStyle(1, 1, 0, &pt);
        shape2.AddLineSegment(100, 0);
        shape2.AddLineSegment(0, 100);
        shape2.AddLineSegment(-100, 0);
        shape2.AddLineSegment(0, -100);

        swfMovie.UpdateObject(&shape2, shape2.m_Depth, NULL, -1);
        //swfMovie.DefineObject(&shape2, shape2.m_Depth, true);



    // Close .SWF file

你能告訴我我的代碼有什么問題嗎? 提前致謝。

我找到了一種使用 C++ 和一個swflib庫從一組圖像創建 .SWF 文件的方法。您可以從lib 文件網站下載它。其中有一個名為:CreateSWFMovie_Bitmap()的方法,這里是我的代碼修改的

void CSWFLIBTestProjectDlg::CreateSWFMovie_Bitmap() {

SIZE_F movieSize = {4000, 4000};
int frameRate = 40;

CSWFMovie swfMovie;
swfMovie.OpenSWFFile(_T("SWF Sample Movies/Sample2.swf"), movieSize, frameRate);
SWF_RGB bgColor = {255, 255, 255};

CSWFBitmap bitmap(2, (UCHAR*)"bm128.jpg");
swfMovie.DefineObject(&bitmap, -1, false);

RECT_F shapeRect = {0, 0, 1000, 1000};//shape大小
CSWFShape shape(1, shapeRect, 1);
SWF_RGBA lineColor = {0, 0, 0, 255};
shape.AddLineStyle(3, lineColor);
RECT_F bitmapRect = {0, 0, 128, 128};                               // size of the bitmap
RECT_F clipRect = {0, 0, 100, 100};                                 // where to fill
shape.AddBitmapFillStyle(bitmap.m_ID, SWF_FILLSTYLETYPE_BITMAP_0, bitmapRect, clipRect);
pt.x = 0;
pt.y = 0;
shape.ChangeStyle(1, 1, 0, &pt);
shape.AddLineSegment(100, 0);
shape.AddLineSegment(0, 100);
shape.AddLineSegment(-100, 0);
shape.AddLineSegment(0, -100);
swfMovie.DefineObject(&shape, shape.m_Depth, true);

for (int i=0; i<100; i++)
    char filename[50]=""; 
    CSWFBitmap bitmap2(300+i, (UCHAR*)filename);
    swfMovie.DefineObject(&bitmap2, -1, false);//false
    CSWFShape shape2(7+i,shapeRect,2+i);//depth值也不能一樣 id不能重復
    shape2.AddLineStyle(3, lineColor);
    RECT_F bitmapRect2 = {0, 0, 128, 128};                              
    RECT_F clipRect2 = {0, 0, 100, 100};                                    
    shape2.AddBitmapFillStyle(bitmap2.m_ID, SWF_FILLSTYLETYPE_BITMAP_0, bitmapRect2, clipRect2);

    pt.x = 0;
    pt.y = 0;
    shape2.ChangeStyle(1, 1, 0, &pt);
    shape2.AddLineSegment(1000, 0);
    shape2.AddLineSegment(0, 1000);
    shape2.AddLineSegment(-1000, 0);
    shape2.AddLineSegment(0, -1000);
    shape2.Translate(80, 0);
    swfMovie.DefineObject(&shape2, shape2.m_Depth, true);//必須define才能動 可以不update





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