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游戲“蠕蟲”的模擬。 物理。 as3

[英]An analogue of the game "Worms". Physics. as3

請幫忙寫一個彈丸離地反彈的函數。 我如何找到碰撞的角度,反射角度應該是多少或至少了解碰撞點?

package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.BlendMode;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.geom.Matrix;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    public class worms extends Sprite {
        public var terrain_bmpd=new BitmapData(550,200,true,0xFF00FF00);//This is the Bitmap of the terrain
        public var terrain_bmp=new Bitmap(terrain_bmpd);//and this the BitmapData
        public var character=new Sprite();//The character will work as a worm
        public var hole=new Sprite();//That's the hole we need
        public var hole_matrix:Matrix;//The hole_matrix is used to set the position of the hole
        public var left_foot:Point;
        public var right_foot:Point;//These are the feet of the character. We will use it to check collisions
        public function worms() {
            draw_objects();//This function draws the character, the terrain and the hole.
        public function fall(e:Event) {
            /*This function will move down the character if there isn't a collision
            between the terrain and the "feet" of the character*/
            for (var i:int=0; i<10; i++) {//We want to check every pixel if there's acollision, so we won't move the character 10 pixels all at once
                left_foot=new Point(character.x-5,character.y+10);
                right_foot=new Point(character.x+5,character.y+10);
                if (!(terrain_bmpd.hitTest(new
                Point(terrain_bmp.x,terrain_bmp.y),0x01,left_foot))&&!(terrain_bmpd.hitTest(new Point(terrain_bmp.x,terrain_bmp.y),0x01,right_foot))) {
                    character.y++;//If there aren't any collisions, make the character fall one pixel
        public function draw_objects() {
            terrain_bmp.y=200;//The terrain shouldn't be at the top of the stage!
            stage.addChild(terrain_bmp);//We can make the terrain visible
            character.graphics.beginFill(0x0000FF);//Let's draw the character. It will be a blue rectangle.
            hole.graphics.beginFill(0x000000);//Now we draw the hole. It doesn't matter the colour.


就像其他人提到的那樣,您的對象(彈丸、角色等)的運動應由向量表示,即 x 和 y 速度。 (一個Point可以代表一個向量。)

接下來,要像您一樣檢測基於像素的地形上的碰撞角度,您可以在對象周圍的半徑內進行一系列點(像素)命中測試。 這將為您提供一組命中點,您將其定義為來自對象中心的向量。 平均向量,你有你的碰撞角度。


 * Test for a hit against a shape based on a point and radius, 
 * returns the angle of the hit or NaN if no hit.
 * Like hitTestPoint, xPos and yPos must be in stage coordinates.
function hitTestAngle(shape:Sprite, xPos:Number, yPos:Number, radius:Number, samples:uint = 90):Number {
    const PI2:Number = Math.PI * 2, SAMPLE:Number = 1 / samples;
    var dx:Number, dy:Number, a:Number, tx:Number = 0, ty:Number = 0, hits:int = 0;
    var i:int = samples;
        a = PI2 * (i * SAMPLE);
        dx = radius * Math.cos(a);
        dy = radius * Math.sin(a);
        if(shape.hitTestPoint(xPos + dx, yPos + dy, true)){
            tx += dx;
            ty += dy;
        return NaN;

    return Math.atan2(ty, tx) * (180 / Math.PI);

這使用hitTestPoint()但由於您的地形是BitmapData您可以只使用getPixel32()檢查 alpha 值

您還可以使用Collision Detection Kit ,它在幕后使用類似的方法,並具有許多額外的功能。




//Check next movementstep
if((vel_y + pos_y) > terrainBottom) {
   vel_y = -vel_y*DampingFactor;

對於一般情況,您需要使用三角函數將 vel_x, vel_y 轉換為上述情況。

與之前的答案一樣,使用 vel_x 和 vel_y 以矢量形式表示角色的運動。 使用這些值在每次迭代時增加 x 和 y 坐標。 在您的示例中,您使用 vel_x = 0, vel_y = 1,因為您每次都將 y 坐標增加 1。

如果一個表面有一個從水平方向逆時針測量的角度 A,那么 x_vel 和 y_vel 在表面上反彈(反射)后將分別是 x_vel.cos2A + y_vel.sin2A 和 x_vel.sin2A - y_vel.cos2A。 要了解這是如何得出的,請參閱Planetmath



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