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[英]How do I debug a powershell script executed from C#?


 using (mPowershell = PowerShell.Create()) 
        mPowershell.AddScript(GetScriptText(mStep), true);
        output = new PSDataCollection<PSObject>();
        output.DataAdded += new EventHandler<DataAddedEventArgs>(Output_DataAdded);
        mPowershell.InvocationStateChanged += new EventHandler<PSInvocationStateChangedEventArgs>(Powershell_InvocationStateChanged);
        IAsyncResult asyncResult = mPowershell.BeginInvoke<PSObject, PSObject>(null, output);      


有沒有辦法,沒有進入powershell腳本並每兩行放一個Write-Host $somevariable ,一步一步調試這個腳本?


可以使用腳本Add-Debugger.ps1 UI非常原始,只是一個輸入對話框和一個輸出控制台,您必須在腳本中添加一些臨時代碼才能進行調試。 但是,如果沒有更好的選擇,這樣的調試器仍可以正常工作。


# Add debugger with file output shown in a separate console.
# <path\> may be omitted if Add-Debugger.ps1 is in the path.

<path\>Add-Debugger.ps1 $env:TEMP\debug.log

# set some breakpoints
$null = Set-PSBreakpoint ...

從現在開始,當觸發斷點時,將顯示調試器輸入框。 鍵入命令,檢查變量,在輸出控制台中查看輸出。 可用命令集:

s, StepInto  Step to the next statement into functions, scripts, etc.
v, StepOver  Step to the next statement over functions, scripts, etc.
o, StepOut   Step out of the current function, script, etc.
c, Continue  Continue operation (also on empty input).
q, Quit      Stop operation and exit the debugger.
?, h         Write this help message.
k            Write call stack (Get-PSCallStack).
K            Write detailed call stack using Format-List.

<n>          Write debug location in context of <n> lines.
+<n>         Set location context preference to <n> lines.
k <s> <n>    Write source at stack <s> in context of <n> lines.

w            Restart watching the debugger output file.
r            Write last PowerShell commands invoked on debugging.
<command>    Invoke any PowerShell <command> and write its output.


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