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[英]How to have function call its own function on its creation

我有一個想要與類相似的PublicGame函數。 當我創建PublicGame時,我通過設置this.methodName = function給出了很多方法。 唯一的事情是我想在創建PublicGame時調用其中一些方法。 例如,現在我執行this.judge = this.setJudge() ,但是我知道這在我有的地方不起作用,因為setJudge尚未定義。 我應該把它放在PublicGame的底部嗎? 我的設計完全關閉了嗎?

'use strict';

// var GameSockets = require(‘GameSockets’);
var Games = {};
var id_counter = 0;
var minPlayers = 3;
var maxPlayers = 6;

function PublicGame (players) {
    this._id = id_counter++;
    this.players = players;
    this.gameSocket = new GameSockets.registerPlayers(this.players, this._id, this.playerDisconnects);

    this.judge = this.setJudge();

    this.killGame = function() {
        delete Games[this._id];

    // When a player presses leave game
    this.playerExits = function(playerToRemove) {
        // Delete player from players array

        // If less than min players
        if (this.players.length < minPlayers) this.killGame();

        // If less than max players
        if (this.players.length < maxPlayers) {
                this.needsPlayers = true;


    // When a player disconnects without warning, e.g. closes window
    this.playerDisconnects = function(playerToRemove) {
        // Delete player from players array

        // If less than min players
        if (this.players.length < minPlayers) this.killGame();

        // If less than max players
        if (this.players.length < maxPlayers) {
                this.needsPlayers = true;

    this.selectJudges = function() {
        this.judge = this.players.pop();
        this.players = this.players.unshift(this.judge);

    this.setWinner = function(winner) {
        this.winner = winner;

    Games[this._id] = this;


function PublicGame (players) {
  this.judge = this.setJudge();

PublicGame.prototype.killGame = function(){

PublicGame.prototype.playerExits = function(playerToRemove){

PublicGame.prototype.setJudge = function(){
  //do whatever
  return whatever;




 /* * utils functions * * dont take care about that **/ var el = document.getElementById('dbg'); var jj = function(val,sep){return JSON.stringify(val , null , sep || '')} var log = function(val){el.innerHTML+='<div><pre>'+val+'</pre></div>'}; var counterId = 0; /************************************************************************/ // You have to use prototype // here an example of what you can achieve // we create a Player 'class' var Player = function( name ){ this.id = counterId ++; //<-- an attribute this.name = name; //<-- an attribute this.setLevel(5);//<-- a method called at 'instanciation' return this; }; // a method available at instanciation time Player.prototype.setLevel = function(level){ this.level = level; return this; }; // we create a new Player named Toto var Toto = new Player('Toto'); log('Toto = ' + jj(Toto));//<-- utility function just to log // we create a new Player named Jane var Jane = new Player('Jane'); log('Jane = ' + jj(Jane)); //<-- utility function just to log // we change the Level of Jane Jane.setLevel(12); log('Jane.setLevel(12)');//<-- utility function just to log log('Jane = ' + jj(Jane));//<-- utility function just to log 
 <div id='dbg'></div> 


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