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如何在 Java 中實現特定的數學公式?

[英]How to implement a particular maths formula in Java?

package methods;
import java.util.Scanner;

* @author Billy
public class Methods {

 * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {      
    double Loanamount; // Loan amount from user
    double Aintrate; // User's annual interest rate
    double months; // Number of months on loan
    double monp; // Monthly payment
    double Mintrate; // Monthly interest rate
    double n; // The number of payments

    // declare an instance of Scanner to read the datastream from the keyboard.
    Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in);

    // Get user's loan amount
    System.out.print("Please enter your total loan amount: ");
    Loanamount = kb.nextDouble();

    // Get user's interest rate
    System.out.print("Please enter your annual interest rate as a decimal: ");
    Aintrate = kb.nextDouble();

    // Get user's number of months
    System.out.print("Please enter the number of months left on your loan: ");
    months = kb.nextDouble();

    // Calculate montly interest rate
    Mintrate = ((Aintrate / 12));

       System.out.println("Your monthly interest rate is " + " " + Mintrate);

    // Calculate number of payments
       n = ((months * 12));

    // Calculate monthly payment


M = P [ i(1 + i)^n ] / [ (1 + i)^n – 1]


M = 每月按揭付款
P = 借入的金額(Loanamount)
i = 月利率(Mintrate)
n = 支付次數

monp = Loanamount [Mintrate(1+ Mintrate)^n] / [(1+ Mintrate)^n-1 ];

Math.pow是您所需要的,而不是^ 你也不能使用[] 您必須使用括號( and ) 可以在以下位置找到更多數學函數: http : //docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/Math.html

你需要在這里使用Math.pow effectivley。


monp = Loanamount*(Mintrate*Math.pow((1+ Mintrate),n)) / (Math.pow((1+ Mintrate),n-1 ) ;

^的方法稱為Math.pow(double a, double b); 在爪哇。


你的公式看起來像monp = Loanamount Math.pow((Mintrate(1+ Mintrate), n)) / (Math.pow((1+ Mintrate), n-1));


你需要調用 Math.pow(double,double)

import static java.lang.Math.pow;
然后使用 pow() 函數


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