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[英]Printing a list of values from array

每當循環結束時,我都在嘗試打印歌曲名稱和歌曲長度。 我該怎么做呢? Report+= songTitles[numSongs] + songLengths[numSongs]嗎?

然后,我需要進行線性搜索以從播放列表中刪除歌曲。 我需要使用相同的報告字符串來讓用戶看到所有歌曲嗎? 我只需要幫助。 謝謝。

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class asdf_Playlist {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    final int MAX_SONGS = 106;
    int totalDuration = 0;
    int numSongs = 0;
    boolean exitVar = false;
    int i = 0;

    String[] songTitles = new String[MAX_SONGS];
    int[] songLengths = new int[MAX_SONGS];

    while (exitVar == false && numSongs <= songTitles.length) {

      do {

        songTitles[numSongs] = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter a song name, or type -1 to exit");
        if (songTitles[numSongs].equals("")) {
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Error: Please enter a valid song name, or type -1 to exit");
        } else if (songTitles[numSongs].equals("-1")) {
          exitVar = true;
      } while (songTitles[numSongs].equals(""));

      do {
        try {
          songLengths[numSongs] = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter a song length, e.g. 4."));
          if (songLengths[numSongs] > 0) {
            totalDuration += songLengths[numSongs];
          } else {
            songLengths[numSongs] = -1;
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Error: please enter a valid song length, e.g. 4.");
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
          songLengths[numSongs] = -1;
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error: please enter a valid song length, e.g. 4.");

      } while (songLengths[numSongs] <= 0);

      boolean addMore = true;

      while ((numSongs <= MAX_SONGS) && (addMore == true)) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Song #" + (i+1) + ": " + songTitles[i] + " length: " + songLengths[i] + "\n");
        if (songTitles[i] == null) {
          addMore = false;


首先,您應該創建一個類來捕獲您的歌曲信息,而不要使用兩個單獨的數組。 從長遠來看,這將使您的生活更加輕松(並且是一種更好的面向對象的實踐)。 然后,您可以創建toString方法作為該類的一部分,以格式化歌曲信息:

class Song {
    private final String title;
    private final int length;

    public String toString() {
        return title + ":" + length;


private Song[] songs = new Song[MAX_SONGS];

打印整個列表可以通過多種方式完成。 在Java 8之前,它通常看起來像:

for (Song song: songs)

從Java 8發布以來,可以簡化為:


從數組中刪除項目並不像從集合中刪除項目那樣容易。 但這仍然不太難:

Song[] copy = new Song[MAX_SONGS];
int copiedSongs = 0;
for (Song song: songs)
    if (/* condition for copying */)
        copy[copiedSongs++] = song;
songs = copy;
numSongs = copiedSongs;

同樣,使用Java 8變得更加簡單:

songs = Arrays.stream(songs).filter(/*condition*/).toArray();
numSongs = songs.length;


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