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[英]Printing objects in an array list

我正在 Java 做一個醫院管理系統項目。我有 3 個班級。 一個 class 有主要方法,另一個 class 是醫院 class,它有方法打印出醫院的詳細信息,另一個方法打印出醫院的工作人員。 第三個 class 是 HospitalStaff class,它有一個用於員工所有詳細信息的 toString 方法和一個 addStaff 方法。 員工被添加到 arraylist 中。我想要打印所有員工的方法存在於醫院 class 中,我該怎么做?


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class HospitalProject {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Hospital h = new Hospital();
        HospitalStaff hs = new HospitalStaff();
        hs.addHospitalStaff("A103", "Name1", "Lastname1", "Surgery", "Doctor");
        hs.addHospitalStaff("A124", "Name2", "Lastname2", "Surgery", "Doctor");

/* This is the Hospital class. It has 3 methods. The HospitalInformation method prints the name and the address, name, email address and phone number of the hospital. 
 * It declares and array list by the name of listofStaff of the type HospitalStaff. 
 * It consists of a seeStaff method which is supposed to show all staff working at the hospital. 

class Hospital{
    public String name = "Red Cross";
    public String Address = "whatever";
    public String phonenum = "whatever2";
    private String email = "whatever@gmail.com";
    public void Hospitalinformation() {
        System.out.println("The name of the hospital is: " +name + " \nThe name of the Address: " + Address + "\nPhone number: "+phonenum + " \nEmail Address: " + email);
    public void seeStaff() {
        HospitalStaff hs1 = new HospitalStaff();
        for(String stafflist: hs1.listofStaff) {

/*The Hospital Staff method consists of toString method as well as a addHospitalStaff method. 
 * The seeStaff method is added for debugging purposes, it is however, supposed to exist in the Hospital method. 
class HospitalStaff {
    private String StaffId;
    public String firstname;
    public String lastname;
    public String department;
    public String stafftype;
    List<String>listofStaff =  new ArrayList<String>();
    public void addHospitalStaff(String StaffId, String firstname, String lastname, String department, String stafftype) {
        String here = StafftoString(StaffId, firstname, lastname, department, stafftype);
    public String StafftoString(String StaffId, String firstname, String lastname, String department, String stafftype) {
        return String.valueOf(firstname) + " " + String.valueOf(lastname) +" " + String.valueOf(StaffId) +" " + String.valueOf(department) +" " + String.valueOf(stafftype);
    public void seeStaff() {
        for(String stafflist: listofStaff) {


我嘗試在 Hospital class 中創建一個名為 seeStaff() 的方法,並在該方法中創建了一個名為“hs1”的 HospitalStaff object。 然后,我使用 HospitalStaff object 調用在 HospitalStaff class 中創建的 arraylist(稱為 listofStaff)。我在 for each 循環中將其用作(String stafflist:hs1.listofStaff)。 但是,當我在 main 中創建 Hospital class object 並調用 seeStaff() 方法時,它不會打印任何內容。 我不確定為什么會這樣。

在您的seeStaff方法中,您正在創建HospitalStaff的新實例,創建時其中沒有任何工作人員。 因此,當您遍歷該空實例中的工作人員列表時,您不會得到 output。您在main()中創建了另一個HospitalStaff實例,但您不對該實例執行任何操作。

解決此問題的一種方法是首先創建您的HospitalStaff實例。 然后,當您創建Hospital實例時,將HospitalStaff實例傳遞到Hospital的構造函數中,以便它可以存儲在實例中。 然后您的showStaff方法可以打印HospitalStaff實例中的值。 這是它的樣子:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Create an object containing the hospital's staff
        HospitalStaff hs = new HospitalStaff();
        hs.addHospitalStaff("A103", "Name1", "Lastname1", "Surgery", "Doctor");
        hs.addHospitalStaff("A124", "Name2", "Lastname2", "Surgery", "Doctor");

        // Create a Hospital object, passing it the `HospitalStaff` instance containing the hospital's staff.
        Hospital h = new Hospital(hs);

        h.seeStaff();  // <- Print a list of hospital staff members

/* This is the Hospital class. It has 3 methods. The HospitalInformation method prints the name and the address, name, email address and phone number of the hospital.
 * It declares and array list by the name of listofStaff of the type HospitalStaff.
 * It consists of a seeStaff method which is supposed to show all staff working at the hospital.

class Hospital{
    public String name = "Red Cross";
    public String Address = "whatever";
    public String phonenum = "whatever2";
    private String email = "whatever@gmail.com";

    private HospitalStaff hs;

    public Hospital(HospitalStaff hs) {
        this.hs = hs;  // <- Associate the passed in HospitalStaff instance with this `Hospital` instance.

    public void Hospitalinformation() {
        System.out.println("The name of the hospital is: " +name + " \nThe name of the Address: " + Address + "\nPhone number: "+phonenum + " \nEmail Address: " + email);

    // Print the members of the hospital's staff
    public void seeStaff() {
        for(String stafflist: hs.listofStaff) {


/*The Hospital Staff method consists of toString method as well as a addHospitalStaff method.
 * The seeStaff method is added for debugging purposes, it is however, supposed to exist in the Hospital method.
class HospitalStaff {

    private String StaffId;
    public String firstname;
    public String lastname;
    public String department;
    public String stafftype;
    List<String>listofStaff =  new ArrayList<String>();

    public void addHospitalStaff(String StaffId, String firstname, String lastname, String department, String stafftype) {
        String here = StafftoString(StaffId, firstname, lastname, department, stafftype);
    public String StafftoString(String StaffId, String firstname, String lastname, String department, String stafftype) {
        return String.valueOf(firstname) + " " + String.valueOf(lastname) +" " + String.valueOf(StaffId) +" " + String.valueOf(department) +" " + String.valueOf(stafftype);
    public void seeStaff() {
        for(String stafflist: listofStaff) {



The name of the hospital is: Red Cross 
The name of the Address: whatever
Phone number: whatever2 
Email Address: whatever@gmail.com
Name1 Lastname1 A103 Surgery Doctor
Name2 Lastname2 A124 Surgery Doctor


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