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[英]Best design pattern for multiple if statements in an interface implementation


public interface IComposer
    string GenerateSnippet(CodeTree tree);

CodeTree是一個基類,其中包含從CodeTree繼承的類的List<CodeTree> 例如:

public class VariablesDecleration : CodeTree

public class LoopsDecleration : CodeTree

我可以有一些實現IComposer類,並且每個類都有GenerateSnippet ,它們遍歷List<CodeTree>並基本上可以做到:

foreach (CodeTree code in tree.Codes)
    if (code.GetType() == typeof(VariablesDecleration))
        VariablesDecleration codeVariablesDecleration = (VariablesDecleration) code;
        // do class related stuff that has to do with VariablesDecleration
    else if (code.GetType() == typeof(LoopsDecleration))
        LoopsDecleration codeLoopsDecleration = (LoopsDecleration) code;
        // do class related stuff that has to do with LoopsDecleration


我想知道是否有更好的設計模式來處理這種情況。 假設明天我添加了一個從CodeTree繼承的新類-我將不得不研究實現IComposer所有類並對其進行修改。

我當時在考慮“訪客設計模式”-但是不確定,也不確定如何實施它。 訪客是否為此情況提供了正確的解決方案?

移動與VariablesDeclerationLoopsDecleration特定類相關的實現,在CodeTree提供抽象實現。 然后在循環中,在CodeTree中簡單地調用該方法,而無需進行if ... else檢查。

public class VariablesDecleration : CodeTree
    public void SomeStuff()
        //... specific to Variables

public class LoopsDecleration : CodeTree
    public void SomeStuff()
        //... specific to Loops

public class CodeTree : ICodeTree
    void SomeStuff();

foreach (CodeTree code in tree.Codes)


public interface IComposer
    string DoStuff();

public class LoopComposer1 : IComposer
    string DoStuff(){ .. }

public class VariableComposer1 : IComposer
    string DoStuff(){ .. }

public class ComposerCollection
    private IEnumerable<IComposer> composers;
    string GenerateSnippet()
        foreach(var composer in composers)



首先聲明一個名為INodeActor的新接口,該接口為您提供有關代碼如何在代碼樹節點上起作用的契約。 它的定義看起來像這樣:

public interface INodeActor
    bool CanAct(CodeTree treeNode);
    void Invoke(CodeTree treeNode);


foreach (CodeTree code in tree.Codes)
    if (code.GetType() == typeof(VariablesDecleration))
        VariablesDecleration codeVariablesDecleration = (VariablesDecleration) code;
        // do class related stuff that has to do with VariablesDecleration
    else if (code.GetType() == typeof(LoopsDecleration))
        LoopsDecleration codeLoopsDecleration = (LoopsDecleration) code;
        // do class related stuff that has to do with LoopsDecleration


public class VariablesDeclerationActor : INodeActor
    public void CanAct(CodeTree node)
        return node.GetType() == typeof(VariablesDecleration);

    public void Invoke(CodeTree node)
         var decl = (VariablesDecleration)node;
         // do class related stuff that has to do with VariablesDecleration

public class LoopsDeclerationActor : INodeActor
    public void CanAct(CodeTree node)
        return node.GetType() == typeof(LoopsDecleration);

    public void Invoke(CodeTree node)
         var decl = (LoopsDecleration)node;
         // do class related stuff that has to do with LoopsDecleration


將作曲家想成工作協調員。 它不需要知道實際的工作是如何完成的。 它的責任是遍歷代碼樹並將工作委派給所有注冊的參與者。

public class Composer
    List<INodeActor> _actors = new List<INodeActor>();

    public void AddActor(INodeActor actor)

    public void Process(CodeTree tree)
         foreach (CodeTree node in tree.Codes)
             var actors = _actors.Where(x => x.CanAct(node));
             if (!actors.Any())
                 throw new InvalidOperationException("Got no actor for " + node.GetType());

             foreach (var actor in actors)


您可以根據需要自定義執行,而無需更改遍歷或任何現有代碼。 因此,該代碼現在遵循SOLID原則。

var composer = new Composer();
composer.Add(new VariablesDeclerationActor());
composer.Add(new PrintVariablesToLog());
composer.Add(new AnalyzeLoops());

如果要生成結果,可以引入一個上下文,該上下文傳遞給INodeActor invoke方法:

public interface INodeActor
    bool CanAct(CodeTree treeNode);
    void Invoke(InvocationContext context);

在上下文包含要處理的節點的地方,也許是將結果存儲在etc中的StringBuilder 。將其與ASP.NET中的HttpContext進行比較。

您可以為所有作曲家定義一個基類,並在其中實現GenerateSnippet,並避免為每個作曲家重寫此代碼。 另外,您可以通過實現composer.DoStuff();來改進foreach循環。 正如@Narayana建議的那樣。

public class Composer:IComposer
    string GenerateSnippet()
        foreach (CodeTree code in tree.Codes)
             if (code.GetType() == typeof(VariablesDecleration))
                 VariablesDecleration codeVariablesDecleration = (VariablesDecleration) code;
               // do class related stuff that has to do with VariablesDecleration
             else if (code.GetType() == typeof(LoopsDecleration))
                  LoopsDecleration codeLoopsDecleration = (LoopsDecleration) code;
                 // do class related stuff that has to do with LoopsDecleration

public class ClassA: Composer


public class ClassB: Composer



class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var composer1 = new ComposerA(new Dictionary<Type, Func<CodeTree, string>>()
            { typeof(VariablesDeclaration), SomeVariableAction },
            { typeof(LoopsDeclaration), SomeLoopAction }

        var composer2 = new ComposerB(new Dictionary<Type, Func<CodeTree, string>>()
            { typeof(VariablesDeclaration), SomeOtherAction }


        var snippet1 = composer1.GenerateSnippet(new CodeTree() {Codes = new List<CodeTree>() {new LoopsDeclaration(), new VariablesDeclaration()}});
        var snippet2 = composer2.GenerateSnippet(new CodeTree() { Codes = new List<CodeTree>() { new VariablesDeclaration() } });

        Debug.WriteLine(snippet1); // "Some loop action Some variable action  some composer A spice"
        Debug.WriteLine(snippet2); // "Some other action  some composer B spice"

    static string SomeVariableAction(CodeTree tree)
        return "Some variable action ";

    static string SomeLoopAction(CodeTree tree)
        return "Some loop action ";

    static string SomeOtherAction(CodeTree tree)
        return "Some other action ";

public interface IComposer
    string GenerateSnippet(CodeTree tree);

public class CodeTree
    public List<CodeTree> Codes;

public class ComposerBase
    protected Dictionary<Type, Func<CodeTree, string>> _actions;

    public ComposerBase(Dictionary<Type, Func<CodeTree, string>> actions)
        _actions = actions;

    public virtual string GenerateSnippet(CodeTree tree)
        var result = "";

        foreach (var codeTree in tree.Codes)
            result = string.Concat(result, _actions[codeTree.GetType()](tree));

        return result;

public class ComposerA : ComposerBase
    public ComposerA(Dictionary<Type, Func<CodeTree, string>> actions) : base(actions)

    public override string GenerateSnippet(CodeTree tree)
        var result = base.GenerateSnippet(tree);

        return string.Concat(result, " some composer A spice");

public class ComposerB : ComposerBase
    public ComposerB(Dictionary<Type, Func<CodeTree, string>> actions) : base(actions)

    public override string GenerateSnippet(CodeTree tree)
        var result = base.GenerateSnippet(tree);

        return string.Concat(result, " some composer B spice");

public class VariablesDeclaration : CodeTree

public class LoopsDeclaration : CodeTree

首先,考慮將GenerateSnippet移出其他類繼承的基類。 SOLID的單一責任原則需要此。 作曲家必須作曲,而CodeTree必須做自己的工作。

下一步是if-else塊。 我認為您可以使用簡單的Dictionary存儲不同類型的CodeTree項:

public interface IComposer {
    string GenerateSnippet(List<CodeTree> trees);
    void RegisterCodeTreeType<T>(T codeType) where T:CodeTree;

public abstract class ComposerBase {
    private readonly Dictionary<Type, CodeTree> _dictionary;

    public ComposerBase() {
        _dictionary = new Dictionary<Type, CodeTree>();

    public void RegisterCodeTreeType<T>(T codeType) where T:CodeTree {
       _dicionary.Add(typeof(T), codeType);

    public string GenerateSnippet(List<CodeTree> trees) {
        StringBuilder fullCode = new StringBuilder();
        foreach(var tree in trees) {

希望你能想到一個主意。 在應用程序啟動時,應使用Composer RegisterCodeTreeType方法注冊所有類型。 現在,它不取決於您有多少種類型。 請注意,這只是一個快速代碼,請謹慎使用。


您希望您的調用代碼保持不變。 (OCP)

現在,CodeTree對象負責確定每個具體實現的邏輯。 問題在於,責任應屬於每個具體問題。 您的for循環應僅轉換為接口類型IComposer並調用方法string GenerateSnippet(CodeTree tree); 得到結果。 每個具體細節都應處理實現細節。 而不是遍歷CodeTree對象,您應該遍歷IComposer對象。

將實現移動到特定類型的對象將不需要您在執行代碼中進行更改,而只需通過添加新類型(如果有的話)進行擴展即可。 如果您的實現細節有很大不同,則可以考慮使用Type Object Pattern 它將處理所有細節,您的CodeTree對象可以保持更簡單。


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