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[英]VBA: Find last row in a fixed number of ranges

我嘗試了幾個小時,以尋找可能的答案。 我准備放棄。 我沒有找到一種情況與我要問的情況很像的人,也許我忽略了它。

我想在特定范圍內找到最后一行。 范圍是A7A21 我希望能夠將表單中的輸入數據輸入該范圍內的空行...

這是棘手的地方。 我還需要在同一張紙上輸入數據的其他兩個類別。 數據可能已經在這里,再次我想找到最后一行,然后輸入數據。 范圍A27:A41



在工作表上的Excel中定義用作表格的范圍。 然后在您的代碼中使用:

Dim Table1 As listObject, Table2 As ListObject

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Name of the sheet the tables are on")
    Set Table1 = .ListObjects("Name of the table")
    Set Table2 = .ListObjects("Name of the table")
End With

Dim LastRowT1 As Long, LastRowT2 As Long
LastRowT1 = 1: LastRowT2 = 1
Do Until Table1.DataBodyRange(LastRowT1, 1) = Empty
    LastRowT1 = LastRowT1 + 1
Do Until Table2.DataBodyRange(LastRowT2, 1) = Empty
    LastRowT2 = LastRowT2 + 1

'If you run out of space and automatically want to add an extra row add
'the following code.
If LastRowT1 > Table1.ListRows.Count Then
    Table2.ListRows.Add AlwaysInsert:=True
End If
If LastRowT2 > Table2.ListRows.Count Then
    Table2.ListRows.Add AlwaysInsert:=True
End If

LastRowT1 and LastRowT2的值應為第一個空行的(列表對象的)行號。


Sub Main()
    Dim r1 As Range
    Dim r2 As Range
    Dim r3 As Range
    Dim rFind As Range

    'Set your range vars
    Set r1 = Range("A7:A21")
    Set r2 = Range("A27:A41")
    Set r3 = Range("A46:A66")

    'Find the next empty cell and display the address
    On Error Resume Next
   'First range
    Set rFind = r1.Find("*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Offset(1, 0)
    If Not rFind Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "First open cell in " & r1.Address & " is " & rFind.Address
        MsgBox "First open cell in " & r1.Address & " is " & r1.Cells(1, 1).Address
    End If

    'Second range
    Set rFind = r2.Find("*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Offset(1, 0)
    If Not rFind Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "First open cell in " & r2.Address & " is " & rFind.Address
        MsgBox "First open cell in " & r2.Address & " is " & r2.Cells(1, 1).Address
    End If

    'Third range
    Set rFind = r3.Find("*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Offset(1, 0)
    If Not rFind Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "First open cell in " & r3.Address & " is " & rFind.Address
        MsgBox "First open cell in " & r3.Address & " is " & r3.Cells(1, 1).Address
    End If
End Sub

假設您從上到下填充單元格(例如,首先填充A7 ,然后填充A8 ,然后填充A9A9 )。 如果不是這種情況,那么您需要使用循環來代替.Find 您肯定需要使這種情況適應您的情況,尤其是范圍內所有單元格都填滿時的邏輯。


Function FindFirstOpenCell(ByVal R As Range) As Integer

  Dim row, col As Integer
  row = R.row
  col = R.Column

  FindFirstOpenCell = Cells(row + R.Rows.Count - 1, col).End(xlUp).row + 1

End Function


Dim row As Integer
row = FindFirstOpenCell(Range("A7:A21"))

Cells(row, 1).Value = "My Next Item"


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