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[英]c# How to transform multiple structs into 1 bigger

我為玩家和5個機器人提供了6種結構。 每個人都有一些不同的變量,有些變量與其他變量相等。我這樣聲明它們

public struct Player
    public static int Chips;
    public static int Type;
    public static int Power;
    public static bool bot1Turn;
    public static bool bot1FoldTurn;
    public static AnchorStyles playerCardsAnchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom;
public struct Bot1
    public static int bot1Chips;
    public static int bot1Type;
    public static int bot1Power;
    public static bool bot1Turn;
    public static bool bot1FoldTurn;
    public static AnchorStyles bot1CardsAnchor = AnchorStyles.Left;
public struct Bot2
    public static int bot2Chips;
    public static int bot2Type;
    public static int bot2Power;
    public static bool bot2Turn;
    public static bool bot2FoldTurn;
    public static AnchorStyles bot2CardsAnchor = AnchorStyles.Right;
public struct Bot3
    public static int bot3Chips;
    public static int bot3Type;
    public static int bot3Power;
    public static bool bot3Turn;
    public static bool bot3FoldTurn;
    public static AnchorStyles bot3CardsAnchor = AnchorStyles.Top;
public struct Bot4
    public static int bot4Chips;
    public static int bot4Type;
    public static int bot4Power;
    public static bool bot4Turn;
    public static bool bot4FoldTurn;
    public static AnchorStyles bot4CardsAnchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right;
public struct Bot5
    public static int bot5Chips;
    public static int bot5Type;
    public static int bot5Power;
    public static bool bot5Turn;
    public static bool bot5FoldTurn;
    public static AnchorStyles bot5CardsAnchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left;


static MainPoker()
    Player.Chips = 100000;
    Player.Power = 0;
    Player.Type = -1;
    Player.playerTurn = true;
    Player.playerFoldTurn = false;

現在我應該像這樣保留所有6種結構,還是有其他方法將它們全部組合在一起? 我在尋找類似接口的東西,但它也應該能夠容納靜態變量。

結構是值類型,而類是引用類型。 您幾乎肯定要對此類事情使用類。

在玩家和機器人之間以及不同的“機器人編號”之間,您有許多共同的屬性(已實現為字段)。 您決定為所有這些屬性指定不同的名稱,這使得簡化代碼變得很困難。

您的字段被聲明為靜態。 我建議使它們成為實例字段(或可能是實例屬性)。


public class Agent
    public int Chips;
    public int Type;
    public int Power;
    public bool Turn;
    public bool FoldTurn;
    public AnchorStyles CardsAnchor;

public class Player : Agent
    public Player() { CardsAnchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom; }
    // Anything that makes a player different here

public class Bot : Agent
    // Anything that makes a bot different here
    public Bot(AnchorStyles style)
        CardsAnchor = style;

Player player = new Player();
Bot bot1 = new Bot(AnchorStyles.Left);
Bot bot2 = new Bot(AnchorStyles.Right);

您在代碼而不是字段中使用屬性。 它們在使用該類的代碼中似乎表現出相似的行為,但是屬性提供了更大的靈活性,因為它們在事物的值和其在幕后的存儲方式之間提供了一層(例如,可以根據其他屬性的值來計算屬性屬性或多個后備字段)。 使用屬性,您應該寫

public class Agent
    public int Chips { get; set; }
    public int Type { get; set; }
    public int Power { get; set; }
    public bool Turn { get; set; }
    public bool FoldTurn { get; set; }
    public AnchorStyles CardsAnchor  { get; set; }



public class Player
    public int Chips { get; set; }
    public int Type { get; set; }
    public int Power { get; set; }
    public bool BotTurn { get; set; }
    public bool BotFoldTurn { get; set; }
    public AnchorStyles PlayerCardsAnchor { get; }

    public Player(AnchorStyles playerCardsAnchor, more parameters for properties)
        PlayerCardsAnchor = playerCardsAnchor;
        // set other properties here

    var player = new Player(AnchorStyles.Bottom, more parameters);
    var bot1 = new Player(AnchorStyles.Left, more parameters);
    //more bots


public static class PokerTable
    public static Player Player { get; }
    public static Player Bot1 { get; }
    // more bots

    static PokerTable()
        Player = new Player(AnchorStyles.Bottom, more parameters);
        Bot1 = new Player(AnchorStyles.Left, more parameters);
        //more bots


PokerTable.Player.Chips = 10;


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