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使用C#進行Docusign移動信封-如何將XML / JSON請求和“ PUT”方法轉換為有效的C#代碼?

[英]Docusign Move Envelope using C# - How can I turn XML/JSON requests and “PUT” methods into working C# code?


    string accountID = loginInfo.LoginAccounts[0].AccountId;

        Console.WriteLine("Account ID:" + accountID);
        FoldersApi foldApi = new FoldersApi();
        var folders = foldApi.List(accountID);
        //this is pointing to my "Sent" folder
        string folderID = folders.Folders[1].FolderId;
        var envID = foldApi.ListItems(accountID, folderID);

        foreach (FolderItem fi in envID.FolderItems)
            EnvelopesApi envApi = new EnvelopesApi();

            EnvelopeDocumentsResult docsList = envApi.ListDocuments(accountID, fi.EnvelopeId);
            Recipients listRecip = envApi.ListRecipients(accountID, fi.EnvelopeId);
            string listOfInfo = "";
            Envelope myEnv = envApi.GetEnvelope(accountID, fi.EnvelopeId);
            if (myEnv.Status == "completed")
                foreach (var signer in listRecip.Signers)
                    var listTabs = envApi.ListTabs(accountID, fi.EnvelopeId, signer.RecipientId);
                    foreach (var tab in listTabs.TextTabs)
                        //listOfInfo is for each specific document, just to view results
                        listOfInfo += tab.TabLabel + " - " + tab.Value + " \n ";
                        //bigString is an aggregation of all documents tab values
                        bigString += tab.TabLabel + " - " + tab.Value + " \n ";
                    Console.WriteLine("Stop here");//breakpoint
                //Move code should go here.

當前,我的代碼進入我的帳戶,獲取所有文件夾的列表,然后指向“已發送”文件夾。 之后,我查看已發送文件夾中的所有文檔,檢查它們的狀態是否為“完成”,然后查看狀態,進入該文檔並刪除我放置的文本選項卡中的所有信息。在文檔上。

我的問題! 注釋“ //將代碼移到此處”的位置。 刪除所需信息后,我想從“已發送”文件夾(文件夾[1])中移動信封並將其放入“已加載”文件夾(文件夾[3])中。

我已經審查了: https : //www.docusign.com/p/RESTAPIGuide/RESTAPIGuide.htm#REST%20API%20References/Move%20Envelope.htm

但是我無法理解如何將XML / JSON請求和“ PUT”方法轉換為有效的C#代碼。

任何幫助將不勝感激。 謝謝,



        Console.WriteLine("Account ID:" + accountID);
        FoldersApi foldApi = new FoldersApi();
        //create fr object
        FoldersRequest fr = new FoldersRequest();
        //instantiate EnvelopeIds string list, to a new string list..
        fr.EnvelopeIds = new List<string>();
        //get folders
        var folders = foldApi.List(accountID);
        string sentFolderID = "";
        string loadedFolderID = "";
        foreach (var fold in folders.Folders)
        {//get sent/loaded folder IDs
            if (fold.Name == "Sent Items") { sentFolderID = fold.FolderId; }
            else if(fold.Name == "Loaded") { loadedFolderID = fold.FolderId; }
        //list the items in the folder
        var envID = foldApi.ListItems(accountID, sentFolderID);
        //for each item in the folder...
        foreach (FolderItem fi in envID.FolderItems)
            EnvelopesApi envApi = new EnvelopesApi();
            //get a list of documents in the envelope
            EnvelopeDocumentsResult docsList = envApi.ListDocuments(accountID, fi.EnvelopeId);
            //list recipients
            Recipients listRecip = envApi.ListRecipients(accountID, fi.EnvelopeId);
            string listOfInfo = "";
            Envelope myEnv = envApi.GetEnvelope(accountID, fi.EnvelopeId);
            if (myEnv.Status == "completed")
                foreach (var signer in listRecip.Signers)
                    var listTabs = envApi.ListTabs(accountID, fi.EnvelopeId, signer.RecipientId);
                    foreach (var tab in listTabs.TextTabs)
                        //get info out of document
                        listOfInfo += tab.TabLabel + " - " + tab.Value + " \n ";
                        bigString += tab.TabLabel + " - " + tab.Value + " \n ";
                    Console.WriteLine("Stop here");//breakpoint
                //add this envelope ID to the list of envelopes to be moved
        //move all the envelopes in the list
        if (fr.EnvelopeIds.Count >= 1) { foldApi.MoveEnvelopes(accountID, loadedFolderID, fr); }



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