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[英]Can't use a variable from a superclass in method in subclass

我在使用超類的變量時遇到問題。 請參見下面的代碼。 在ConncetionMap(最終int n)中,我可以成功使用超類中的變量n,但是在重寫的Test()方法中,突然不再識別該變量n。 如何在那里繼續使用變量n?


public abstract class Connection {
    public Connection(final int n) {

    public abstract int Test();

public class ConnectionMap extends Connection {

    public ConnectionMap (final int n) {

        //Here, n is recognized from the superclass and it simply works
        if (n < 0) {  
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error.");

    public int Test() {
        int c = n; //This is an example usage of n, and here n is not recognized anymore.

n是構造函數的參數。 參數(如局部變量)的作用域范圍是方法/構造函數。 因此,它僅在構造函數中可見。 這與超類BTW沒有太大關系。 只是具有可變范圍。


public class ConnectionMap extends Connection {

    private int n;

    public ConnectionMap (final int n) {

        //Here, n is recognized from the superclass and it simply works
        if (n < 0) {  
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error.");
        this.n = n;

    public int test() {
        int c = this.n;

您已在構造函數中將n聲明為局部變量(參數),因此在其范圍之外不可用。 嘗試這個:

public abstract class Connection {
    public final int n;
    public Connection(final int n) {
        this.n = n;

    public abstract int Test();

public class ConnectionMap extends Connection {

    public ConnectionMap (final int n) {

        //Here, n is recognized from the superclass and it simply works
        if (n < 0) {  
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error.");

    public int Test() {
        int c = n; //This is an example usage of n, and here n is not recognized anymore.

在這里, n在構造函數傳遞給n在你的對象。 由於public > = protectedn從Connection繼承到ConnectionMap,因此可以在Test()使用它。


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