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[英]rank() and over () in oracle queries

我需要了解這兩個Oracle查詢之間的區別,特別是rank() over(order by length(cgp.group_name) desc)rank() over(order by length(cgp.group_name), length(csc.subscriber_num) desc) ranking


rank() over(order by length(cgp.group_name), length(csc.subscriber_num) desc) ranking :根據group_name的最大匹配,結果中將顯示一個排名列,其值為1,2,3。

select csc.subscriber_num csc.group_id, 
       rank() over(order by length(cgp.group_name) desc) ranking  
from scallforward_info csc , 
     gprofile cgp 
where '0120111' like csc.subscriber_num||'%' 
  and   GROUP_NAME like 'TEST' ||'%' 
  and csc.account_number=99995555  
  and   csc.group_id= cgp.group_id  
  and csc.ver = 1 
  and cgp.ver = 1;

select csc.subscriber_num csc.group_id, 
       rank() over(order by length(cgp.group_name), length(csc.subscriber_num)  desc) ranking 
from scallforward_info csc , 
     gprofile cgp 
where '0120111' like csc.subscriber_num||'%' 
  and GROUP_NAME like 'TEST' ||'%' 
  and   csc.account_number=99995555  
  and csc.group_id= cgp.group_id  
  and   csc.ver = 1 
  and cgp.ver = 1;
rank() over(order by length(cgp.group_name) desc)


rank() over(order by length(cgp.group_name), length(csc.subscriber_num) desc)

將按照ASC順序中cgp.group_name列中值的長度順序(最短到最長)為每一行賦予數值排名,並嘗試使用DESCcsc.subscriber_num中值的長度打破csc.subscriber_num 。順序(最長到最短)。

為了了解兩者之間的區別,這是一個針對一些示例數據的查詢(如果您不知道子查詢分解(又稱為“ with子句”,又稱為通用表表達式,又稱為CTE)),那么我強烈建議您進行研究! ):

with sample_data as (select 1 id, 1 val1, 1 val2, 13 val3 from dual union all
                     select 2 id, 1 val1, 2 val2, 12 val3 from dual union all
                     select 3 id, 1 val1, 3 val2, 11 val3 from dual union all
                     select 4 id, 1 val1, 4 val2, 10 val3 from dual union all
                     select 5 id, 2 val1, 4 val2, 9 val3 from dual union all
                     select 6 id, 2 val1, 3 val2, 8 val3 from dual union all
                     select 7 id, 2 val1, 2 val2, 7 val3 from dual union all
                     select 8 id, 2 val1, 1 val2, 6 val3 from dual union all
                     select 9 id, 3 val1, 2 val2, 5 val3 from dual union all
                     select 10 id, 3 val1, 6 val2, 4 val3 from dual union all
                     select 11 id, 3 val1, 2 val2, 3 val3 from dual union all
                     select 12 id, 4 val1, 7 val2, 2 val3 from dual union all
                     select 13 id, 4 val1, 8 val2, 1 val3 from dual)
select id,
       rank() over (order by val1) rank1,
       rank() over (order by val1, val2) rank2,
       dense_rank() over (order by val1) dense_rank1,
       dense_rank() over (order by val1, val2) dense_rank2
from   sample_data;

        ID       VAL1       VAL2       VAL3      RANK1      RANK2 DENSE_RANK1 DENSE_RANK2
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- -----------
         1          1          1         13          1          1           1           1
         2          1          2         12          1          2           1           2
         3          1          3         11          1          3           1           3
         4          1          4         10          1          4           1           4
         8          2          1          6          5          5           2           5
         7          2          2          7          5          6           2           6
         6          2          3          8          5          7           2           7
         5          2          4          9          5          8           2           8
         9          3          2          5          9          9           3           9
        11          3          2          3          9          9           3           9
        10          3          6          4          9         11           3          10
        12          4          7          2         12         12           4          11
        13          4          8          1         12         13           4          12



將兩者結合在一起,並希望您能看到,因為您的行在order by子句的所有列中共享相同的值,因此它們具有相同的等級值。

例如,在上述查詢的結果中,id為(1,2,3,4)的行的rank1均為1,而id 9和11的rank2相同,而id 10的秩不同。您的排名標准,您獲得聯系的可能性越小(通常)。

這是否回答你的問題? 我還在上面的查詢中包括了等效的DENSE_RANK函數,因此您可以看到等級編號的差異。


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