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[英]Can I eval expression in object context?

美好的一天。 我需要在某些對象上下文中評估表達式,但是我發現的唯一解決方案是為每個對象函數創建存根:

 var c = {
    a : function () {
      return 'a';
    b : function () {
      return 'b';

  function evalInObj(c, js) {
    function a() {
      return c.a();

    function b() {
      return c.b();

    return eval(js);

  console.log(evalInObj(c, 'a() + b()'));

請告訴我正確的方法。 我可以用原型嗎?

  var C = function(id) {
    this.id = id;

  C.prototype.a = function () {
    return 'a' + this.id;

  C.prototype.b = function () {
    return 'b' + this.id;

  function evalCtx(js) {
    console.log(this);  // C {id: 1}
    return eval(js);

  var c1 = new C(1);
  evalCtx.call(c1, 'a() + b()'); // error: a is not defined
(() =>
    // 'use strict';
    function run(expression, context = {})
        return function ()
            return eval(expression);

    let context = {a:{b:'Bb'}};
    console.log(run('this', context));      // {a:{b:'Bb'}}
    console.log(run('this.a', context));    // {b:'Bb'}
    console.log(run('this.a.b', context));  // 'Bb'
    console.log(run('a.b', context));       // ReferenceError: a is not defined



    // jsut pollyfills for backward browsers...
    Object.prototype.keys || (Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'keys', {value: function ()
            var result = []; for (var key in this) result.push(key); return result;
    Object.prototype.entries || (Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'entries', {value: function ()
            var result = []; for (var key in this) result.push([key, this[key]]); return result;

    // here the magic...
    function run(expression, context)
        var variables = {};
        (context instanceof Object) && context.entries().forEach(function(entry)
            entry[0].match(/^[a-z_$][a-z0-9_$]*$/) && (variables[entry[0]] = entry[1]);
        return (new Function('return function(' + variables.keys().join(', ') + ') { return ' + expression + '; }'))()// first get the synthetic function
               .apply(context, variables.entries().map(function(entry) { return entry[1]; }));

    var output = run("a + '#' + b", {a: 'Aa', b: 'Bb', 0: 'Zero'});
    console.log(output); // Aa#Bb
function runScript(ctx, js){ with(ctx){ return eval(js); }}

關閉。 謝謝大家


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